Log in using your UP Mail account
How to access via Google Apps?
1. Log into your UP Mail at
2. In the upper right, click the App Launcher , scroll down, and click OpenAthens.
Note: If you have multiple Google accounts logged into your browser, choose your UP Mail account when prompted.
3. Click “Login” on the upper right, then click “Login to MyAthens”.
4. Choose the desired database.
How to access via MyAthens?
1. Click the “Login via MyAthens” button above or go to this link.
2. Click “UP Webmail”.
3. Log into your UP Mail account.
4. Choose the desired database.
Technical issue:
The OpenAthens icon may not appear in the Google apps for UP Mail, nor is it available when you sign in using UP Webmail via MyAthens.
This happens when the UP Mail account in question is not under UP Diliman’s Organizational Unit (OU).
To fix this, send an email about the error to the Diliman Network (DILNET) Helpdesk at and include the following details:
- First Name
- Last Name
- UP Mail ( address
- If you do not have UP Mail, please obtain a UP Mail account from the UP ITDC.
- Attach a scanned file or picture of one of the following
- Form 5 for UP students
- Copy of appointment for UP staff
DILNET can verify if the concerned person has access to UP Mail, and check if they are enrolled/employed in UP Diliman so that they can initiate the transfer.