Cataloging Resources

Links to websites providing cataloging resources and tools. For password, contact the Cataloging and Metadata Services Section at

Table of Contents

  1. Union Catalog of other institutions
  2. MARC 21 Guide and Code Lists
  3. Cataloging and Classification Tools
  4. Shelflisting / Cuttering Tools / Subject Cataloging Manual
  5. UP Diliman Cataloging Documents
  6. Cataloging Readings
  7. Cataloging Output 2022

1. Union Catalog of other institutions

2. MARC 21 Guide and Code Lists



Code List for Organizations

(Location Code – Tag 040)


3. Cataloging and Classification Tools

Authority Headings Search:
–Title authority headings
–Name authority headings
–Subject authority headings

For password, contact the Cataloging and Metadata Services Section.

For password, contact the Cataloging and Metadata Services Section.

(Not updated, November 2008-February 2009 version, Fulltext, Free Online) (viewed 20 May 2013)

  • OCLC Classify – Classify is a project of OCLC Research (2008-2018) – Classify is a FRBR-based prototype designed to support the assignment of classification numbers and subject headings for books, DVDs, CDs, and other types of materials.

4. Shelflisting / Cuttering Tools / Subject Cataloging Manual

5. UP Diliman Cataloging Documents

Provides access to procedures that support specific cataloging workflows.

 Other Tools:

6. Cataloging Readings

Catalog it! a guide to cataloging school library materials / Allison G. Kaplan. 2nd ed. Worthington, Ohio : Linworth Pub., 2006. Retrieved from Gale Virtual Reference Library. (On campus access)

ISBN country codes

Introducing RDA a guide to the basics / Chris Oliver. Chicago : American Library Association, 2010. Retrieved from iG Publishing. (On campus access)

Introduction to controlled vocabularies: terminology for art, architecture, and other cultural works / Patricia Harpring. Los Angeles, California : Getty Research Institute, 2010. Retrieved from Google Books, 16 June 2015.

Introduction to metadata / edited by Murtha Baca. Los Angeles, California : Getty Research Institute, 2008. Retrieved from Google Books, 16 June 2015.

Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science (ODLIS)

Understanding MARC bibliographic: machine-readable cataloging B. Furrie. 7th ed. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, in collaboration with Follett Software Company, 2003. Retrieved from Hathi Trust Digital Library, 16 June 2015.

7. Cataloging Output 2022

Last updated: 4 April 2023