Citizen’s Charter






To be the information resource center of excellence in the social sciences, humanities and basic sciences.


The UPD Library is among the leading academic and research libraries in Southeast Asia. We are an information environment where users collaborate, discover, and create knowledge. We are committed to provide the best resources, services, programs, and facilities in support of instruction, research, extension, and public service. As the primary knowledge repository of the University, we uphold and nurture academic freedom, honor and excellence, inclusivity and diversity, intellectual honesty, and compassion in carrying out out mandate of developing the intellectual capacity of the UP community and the Filipino public.


The University Library is committed to the following:

  • To maintain and uphold an enabling information environment for its stakeholders;
  • To provide the best resources, services, programs, and facilities in support of instruction, research, extension, and public service; and
  • To aid in developing the intellectual capacity of the UP community and the Filipino public.

Service Pledge

Honor, excellence and democratic governance guided in decision-making: collegiality, representation, accountability, transparency, and active participation of the university’s constituents.

Accessibility and responsiveness, breaking down bureaucratic walls and ensuring an administration accessible and responsive to its stakeholders.

Innovativeness and creativity in making decisions, not bounded by traditional solutions. UP shall be prepared to pursue innovative approaches in solving the problems and issues that confront the university.

One university, guided by the spirit of oneness: common standards of excellence, harmonized systems, common and shared services across constituent universities, yet decentralized decision-making and execution.

All applicants or requesting parties who are within the premises of the office prior to the end of official working hours and during lunch break shall be attended to.


For the full text of services offered by the University Library in the Citizen’s Charter, please click here.

External Services

For UP students, non-UP clients, UP constituents coming from other CUs
— List of External Services, click the header to expand.

1. Checking-In (Returning) of Library Books
2. Checking-Out (Borrowing) of Library Books
3. Inter-Library Loan (ILL)
4. Issuance of Temporary Library Card (UPL Form No. 161a)
5. Payment of Fines
6. Payment for Lost Book/s
7. Registration for Library Access (UPL Form No. 144a)
8. Renewal of Checked-Out (Borrowed) Books
9. Request for Index to Philippine Periodicals (IPP) in Print
10. Request for Library Accommodations
11. Request for Microfilm Conversion
12. Request for Paging of Library Resources in Closed-Shelves System for Room-Use
13. Request for Room-use of Library Resources in Closed-Shelves System; for UP Users Only
14. Request for Photocopy of Books and Other Library Resources
15. Request for Reference/Information, Bibliographic, and Research Support Services
16. Request for Remote Access Account and Access to College-Based Subscriptions
17. Request for Self-Service Printing
18. Request for Self-Service Scanning
19. Request for Use of Discussion Rooms
20. Request for Use of Learning Space at Temporary Main Library Locations
21. Request for Use of PCs and Electricity for Personal Equipment
22. Resource on Demand
23. Returning Library Resources in Closed – Shelves System
24. Checking-out (Borrowing) of Other Library Resources
25. Request for Access to Restricted Theses & Dissertations

Internal Services

For UP Diliman faculty and staff
— List of Internal Services, click the header to expand.

1. Checking-In (Returning) of Library Books
2. Checking-Out (Borrowing) of Artworks
3. Checking-Out (Borrowing) of Library Books
4. Inter-Library Loan (ILL)
5. Payment of Fines
6. Payment for Lost Book/s
7. Renewal of Checked-Out (Borrowed) Books
8. Request for Index to Philippine Periodicals (IPP) in Print
9. Request for Library Accommodations
10. Request for Library Orientation or Instruction
11. Request for Microfilm Conversion
12. Request for Paging of Library Resources in Closed-Shelves System for Room Use
13. Request for Paging of Library Resources in Closed-Shelves System for Room-Use; UP Users Only
14. Request for Photocopy of Books and Other Library Resources
15. Request for Reference/Information, Bibliographic, and Research Support Services
16. Request for Remote Access Account and Access to College-Based Subscriptions
17. Request for Self-Service Printing
18. Request for Self-Service Scanning
19. Request for Use of Discussion Rooms
20. Request for Use of Learning Space at Temporary Main Library Locations
21. Request for Use of PCs and Electricity for Personal Equipment
22. Request for Viewing of Audiovisual Materials
23. Resource on Demand
24. Returning Library Resources in Closed-Shelves System
25. Checking-out (Borrowing) of Other Library Resources
26. Request for Access to Restricted Theses & Dissertations


For comments and suggestions, please fill in the feedback form.

File a Complaint

In writing

  1. Proceed to the Information Desk at the Main Library Lobby
  2. Answer the Client Complaint Form
  3. Drop the Complaint Form in the Red box
  4. For inquiries and follow-up, contact the Anti-Red Tape Focal Person at (02) 8981-8500 loc. 2856 or at

Through telephone call

  1. 1. Dial (02) 8981-8500 local 2856
  2. 2. Provide the following information:
    1. a. Name of person being complained
    2. b. Incident
    3. c. Evidence
  3. 3. For inquiries and follow-up, contact the Anti-Red Tape Focal Person at (02) 8981-8500 loc. 2856 or at


  1. Answer the Client Complaint Form
  2. For inquiries and follow-up, contact the Anti-Red Tape Focal Person at (02) 8981-8500 loc. 2856 or at

Compliance Certificate

UP Citizen’s Charter Certificate of Compliance for the Year 2023 (notarized)

Revised April 2023
Uploaded to UPD Library website August 2023