Cataloging Workshop

Materials used during the Cataloging Workshop. For password, contact the Cataloging Section, University Library, UPD.

–> To download, right click on the title, save link as (save it on your desktop for easy access). Contact the Cataloging Section for some files requiring password.

Cataloging Workshop on MARC, AACR2 and Classification Web Online (April 4-6, 2011)

1. Cataloging using AACR2 & MARC 21 – presented by Annelyn Cruz Lim (April 4-6, 2011) –> to download, right click on the title, save link as (save it on your desktop for easy access)

Workshop exercises:

2. LC Classification Web – presented by Joan P. Esposado (April 4-6, 2011) –> to download, right click on the title, save link as (save it on your desktop for easy access)

****UP Diliman RDA Training Materials

1. Background and Overview of RDA presented by Rodolfo Y. Tarlit (RDA Workshop 1, May 7, 2012)
2. FRBR and FRAD overview and application : understanding conceptual relationships– presented by Annelyn Cruz Lim (RDA Workshop 2, August 13, 2012), source: LC RDA Training Materials
FRBR, FRAD and RDA :I don’t speak cataloging, why should I care? –   Dean Trebbe, 2011 (source: Slideshare, accessed date: August 13, 2012)
FRBR: Things You Should Know, But Were Afraid to Ask – webcast/webinar – Barbara Tillett, 2009 – needs Real Player to watch
3. Using the RDA Toolkit – presented by Grace Garcia (RDA Workshop 3, August 13, 2012), source: LC RDA Training Materials
RDA Webinars
To watch the recordings, click on the following links.
Best viewed using VLC Media Player or higher version of Windows Media Player.
To download: right click on the link, save as and download.
RDA Ask-the-Experts Webinar– February 17, 2011 ;
Changes from AACR2 to RDA Part 1 (recording) –…
Changes from AACR2 to RDA Part 2 (recording) –…
RDA and Serials Catalogers: Will Our Work Really Change? (recording) –…
Linked Library Data (recording) –…
Preparing Copy Catalogers for RDA (recording) –…
RDA Toolkit””A Guided Tour – needs Adobe Flash Player ;

RDA Train-the-Trainer Webcasts – Library of Congress. The instructors were Barbara Tillett and Judith Kuhagen.
Required VLC Media Player or RealPlayer (.ram files)
Module 1: What RDA Is and Isn’t
Module 2: Structure
Module 3: Description of Manifestations and Items
Module 4: Identifying Works, Expressions, and Manifestations
Module 5: Identifying Persons
Module 6: Identifying Families (filmed at the Library of Congress, March 1, 2010)
Module 7: Identifying Corporate Bodies
Module 8: Relationships
Module 9: Review of Main Concepts, Changes, Etc.
From Library of Congress:
LC RDA core elements (Link to current version)
Introductory slides; Identifying manifestations [PPT, 519 KB]
Identifying works [PPT, 610 KB]
Identifying expressions [PPT, 695 KB]
Describing content of works and expressions [PPT, 422 KB]
Identifying persons, families, and corporate bodies [PPT, 953 KB]
Relationships: in bibliographic and authority records [PPT, 959 KB]