Contains the electronic full text for every SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) journal article published from the journal’s inception through 1996, totaling to approximately 14,000 articles, about 285,000 pages, and more than 250,000 reference links.
The Library is subscribed to the following modules:
- Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 1953-1965
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1966-1996
- SIAM Journal of Computing 1972-1996
- SIAM Journal on Control 1966-1975
- SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1976-1996
- Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, Series A: Control 1962-1965
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 1988-1996
- SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1970-1996
- SIAM Journal on Algebraic & Discrete Methods 1980-1987
- SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis & Applications 1988-1996
- Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, Series B: Numerical Analysis 1964-1965
- SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1966-1996
- SIAM Journal on Optimization 1991-1996
- SIAM Review 1959-1996
- SIAM Journal on Scientific & Statistical Computing 1980-1993
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 1994-1996
- Theory of Probability and Its Applications 1956-1996
» Access: On campus within UP Diliman. Perpetual access.