The Literary Reference Center Plus eBook Collection contains several classic fiction titles.
List of titles:
Title | Author |
A Blake Dictionary | S. Foster Damon |
A Doll’s House | Henrik Ibsen |
A Midsummer Night’s Dream | William Shakespeare |
A Political Companion to Flannery O’Connor | Henry T. Edmondson III |
A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams | Onyett, Nicola. |
A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens |
A Tale of Two Cities Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
American Literature From 1600 Through the 1850s | Augustyn, Adam |
American Literature From 1945 Through Today | Augustyn, Adam |
American Literature From the 1850s to 1945 | Augustyn, Adam |
Annotated Chaucer Bibliography | Allen, Mark-Amsel, Stephanie |
Antihero | Jennifer Joline Anderson |
Appalachian Children’s Literature | Herrin, Roberta T.-Oliver, Sheila Quinn. |
Approaching the Hunger Games Trilogy | Henthorne, Tom. |
As You Like It | Shakespeare, William |
Becoming Ray Bradbury | Jonathan R. Eller |
Beginner’s Guide to Journalism & Mass Communication | Barun Roy. |
Beowulf and Four Related Old English Poems | Lee, Sung-Il-Stevick, Robert David |
Biblical Allusions | Lindsay Bacher |
Bodies Built for Game | Natalie Diaz |
Booklist’s 1000 Best Young Adult Books Since 2000 | Booklist |
Bram Stoker | Senf, Carol A. |
Cask of Amontillado | Joeming Dunn |
Chair of Tears | Vizenor, Gerald Robert |
Charlotte Perkins Gilman | Davis, Cynthia J. |
Classic Literature | Valerie Bodden |
Collected Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald (45 Short Stories and Novels) | Fitzgerald, F. Scott |
Coming of Age | Valerie Bodden |
Conrad’s Heart of Darkness | Watts, Cedric Thomas. |
Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoevsky |
Crime Uncovered: Antihero | Peters, Fiona-Stewart, Rebecca |
Crime Uncovered: Detective | Barry Forshaw |
Crime Uncovered: Private Investigator | Rolls, Alistair-Franks, Rachel |
Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller | Crow, Anne. |
Dictionary of Classical Mythology | March, Jennifer R. |
Dictionary of Midwestern Literature, Volume 2 | Philip A. Greasley |
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing, (Editor) |
Dracula | Bram Stoker |
Dracula and the Gothic in Literature, Pop Culture and the Arts | Ermida, Isabel. |
Dracula Novel Study Guide | Stoker, Bram |
Drama | Rebecca Kraft Rector |
Edgar Allan Poe | James M. Hutchisson |
Emily Dickinson, The Poetry | Dickinson, Emily |
Emma | Jane Austen |
English Literature From the 19th Century Through Today | Luebering, J. E. |
English Literature From the Old English Period Through the Renaissance | Luebering, J. E. |
English Literature From the Restoration Through the Romantic Period | Luebering, J. E. |
Ernest Hemingway | Mark Cirino |
Everything You Need to Know About Shakespeare’s MacBeth | Dykstra, Jennifer |
Experiencing America’s Story Through Fiction | Hilary Susan Crew |
F. Scott Fitzgerald and the American Scene | Ronald Berman |
Fall From Grace | Maryellen Lo Bosco |
Fan Phenomena: Jane Austen | Gabrielle Malcolm |
Fan Phenomena: Sherlock Holmes | Ue, Tom.-Cranfield, Jonathan. |
Fan Phenomena: The Hunger Games | Balkind, Nicola. |
Fan Phenomena: The Lord of the Rings | Lorna Piatti-Farnell |
Fang-tastic Fiction | Mathews, Patricia O’Brien. |
Fifty Years of Hemingway Criticism | Peter L. Hays |
Frankenstein | Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley |
Frankenstein Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
Good and Evil in Shakespeare´s King Lear and Macbeth | Degünther, Alina |
Graphic Novels | Ashley Rae Harris |
Great Expectations | Dickens, Charles |
Gulliver’s Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World | Jonathan Swift |
Gulliver’s Travels Novel Study Guide | Swift, Jonathan-Saddleback Educational Publishing. |
Hamlet | Shakespeare, William. |
Hamlet Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark | William Shakespeare |
Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird | Michael J. Meyer |
Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad |
Hero | Alexis Burling |
Historical Dictionary of Asian American Literature and Theater | Wenying Xu |
Historical Dictionary of Children’s Literature | Emer O’Sullivan |
Historical Dictionary of Contemporary American Theater | James Fisher |
Historical Dictionary of French Literature | John Flower |
Historical Dictionary of German Literature to 1945 | William Grange |
Historical Dictionary of Gothic Literature | William Hughes |
Historical Dictionary of Latin American Literature and Theater | Richard Young-Odile Cisneros |
Historical Dictionary of Modern Chinese Literature | Li-hua Ying |
Historical Dictionary of Romanticism in Literature | Paul Varner |
Historical Dictionary of Russian Literature | Jonathan Stone |
Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction in Literature | M. Keith Booker |
Historical Dictionary of the Beat Movement | Paul Varner |
How to Analyze the Works of Andrew Lloyd Webber | Katie Marsico |
How to Analyze the Works of Andy Warhol | Michael Fallon |
How to Analyze the Works of C. S. Lewis | Amy Van Zee |
How to Analyze the Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald | Maggie Combs |
How to Analyze the Works of Georgia O’Keeffe | Michael Fallon |
How to Analyze the Works of J. K. Rowling | Victoria Peterson-Hilleque |
How to Analyze the Works of Martin Luther King Jr. | Rosa Boshier |
How to Analyze the Works of Stephen King | Marcia Amidon Lusted |
How to Analyze the Works of Stephenie Meyer | Marcela Kostihova |
How to Analyze the Works of Suzanne Collins | Sheila Griffin Llanas |
How to Analyze the Works of Sylvia Plath | Sheila Griffin Llanas |
How to Analyze the Works of Toni Morrison | Maurene J. Hinds |
How to Analyze the Works of Virginia Woolf | Rosa Boshier |
How to Analyze the Works of William Shakespeare | Mari Kesselring |
How to Analyze the Works of Winston Churchill | Mari Kesselring |
Invisible Man | H.G. Wells |
Jack London | Wernick, Robert |
Jack London | Cecelia Tichi |
James Baldwin | Thomas, P. L.-Henderson, A. Scott |
Jane Eyre | Charlotte Brontë |
Jane Eyre Novel Study Guide | Brontë, Charlotte-Saddleback Educational Publishing. |
John Green | Eric Braun |
King Lear | Shakespeare, William |
King Lear Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
Langston Hughes | Anthony, David Henry-Kuligowski, Stephanie |
Love | Julie Murray |
Love | Maggie Combs |
Lysistrata | Aristophanes |
Macbeth | Shakespeare, William |
Macbeth | William Shakespeare |
Macbeth Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
Margaret Atwood’s Dystopian Fiction | Kuznicki, Slawomir |
Men at war : the best war stories of all time / edited with an introduction by Ernest Hemingway, based on a plan by William Kozlenko | Hemingway |
Moby Dick | Herman Melville |
Moby Dick Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
Much Ado About Nothing | Shakespeare, William |
Much Ado About Nothing | William Shakespeare |
Mystery | Rebecca Morris |
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass | Frederick Douglass |
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Original Classic Edition) | Frederick Douglass |
Narrative of William W. Brown, an American Slave | William Wells Brown |
Nonfiction | Alexis Burling |
Northanger Abbey | Austen, Jane |
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience | Thoreau, Henry David |
Othello | Shakespeare, William |
Othello Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
Othello, William Shakespeare | Cox, Marian. |
Poetry and Drama | Kuiper, Kathleen. |
Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen |
Pride and Prejudice Novel Study Guide | Austen, Jane-Saddleback Educational Publishing. |
Prose | Kuiper, Kathleen. |
Quest | Susan E. Hamen |
Quicklet on A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry | Charles Limley |
Quicklet on Animal Farm by George Orwell (CliffNotes-like Book Summary) | Steven Middendorp |
Quicklet on Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls (CliffsNotes-like Summary, Analysis, and Commentary) | EmmaLee McCrickett |
Quicklet on F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby | Hayley Igarishi |
Quicklet On Grimm’s Fairy Tales | Lenisha Brown |
Quicklet On Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales | The Hyperink Team |
Quicklet On Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick (Cliffsnotes-like Book Summaries) | Joseph Pritchard |
Quicklet on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit (CliffNotes-like Summary) | Taryn Nakamura |
Quicklet on Jack London’s The Call of the Wild | Tiffanie Wen |
Quicklet On Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels | The Hyperink Team |
Quicklet on Lois Lowry’s The Giver (CliffNotes-like Summary & Analysis) | Natacha Pavlov |
Quicklet on Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov | Kate Russell |
Quicklet on Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis (CliffNotes-like Summary) | Natacha Pavlov |
Quicklet on Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (CliffsNotes-like Book Summary) | Zaki Hasan |
Quicklet On Miguel De Cervantes’ Don Quixote | Jennifer McGuire |
Quicklet on Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter | Lacey Kohlmoos |
Quicklet On Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest | Taryn Nakamura |
Quicklet On Slaughterhouse-Five By Kurt Vonnegut | Jennifer Gigantino |
Quicklet on Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games | Hayley Igarishi |
Quicklet On The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini (CliffNotes-like Book Summary) | Karen Lac |
Quicklet on The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (CliffNotes-like Summary and Analysis) | Lacey Kohlmoos |
Quicklet On The Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway | Tiffanie Wen |
Quicklet on The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien | Macie Melendez |
Quicklet on To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee | Zachary Crockett |
Quicklet On Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood | Larry Holzwarth |
Quicklet on Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle (CliffNotes-like Book Summary) | Rebecca Meredith |
Quicklit:The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn | Twain, Mark-Expert Editions, Inc.-BarCharts, Inc. |
Quicklit:The Catcher In The Rye | Salinger, J. D.-Expert Editions, Inc.-BarCharts, Inc. |
Quicklit:The Great Gatsby | Fitzgerald, F. Scott-Expert Editions, Inc.-BarCharts, Inc. |
Quicklit:To Kill A Mockingbird | Lee, Harper.-Expert Editions, Inc.-BarCharts, Inc. |
Race and Antiracism in Black British and British Asian Literature | Dave Gunning |
Racism in Novels | Rocha, Elaine. |
Reading Catch-22 | McDonald, Paul. |
Revenge | Caitlin Ray |
Romeo and Juliet | William Shakespeare |
Romeo and Juliet Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
Science Fiction | Susan E. Hamen |
Science, Gender and History | Banerjee, Suparna. |
Sherman Alexie | Jeff Berglund-Jan Roush |
Shrouds of White Earth | Vizenor, Gerald Robert |
Spectrality in the Novels of Toni Morrison | Melanie R. Anderson |
Stephen King’s Gothic | Sears, John. |
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Mark Twain |
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | Twain, Mark |
The Call of the Wild | London, Jack |
The Comedies of William Shakespeare | Kuiper, Kathleen. |
The Crucible, Arthur Miller | McCarthy, Shaun. |
The Encyclopedia of Christian Literature | George Thomas Kurian-James D. Smith III |
The History Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare | Kuiper, Kathleen. |
The Importance of Being Earnest | Oscar Wilde |
The Invention of Journalism Ethics, Second Edition | Ward, Stephen J. A. |
The Invisible Man | Wells, H. G. |
The Jungle | Upton Sinclair |
The Life and Times of William Shakespeare | Kuiper, Kathleen. |
The Literature of Spain and Latin America | Luebering, J. E. |
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories | Kafka, Franz.-Moncrieff, Christopher. |
The Oedipus Trilogy ”” Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone | Sophocles |
The Participatory Journalism of Michael Herr, Norman Mailer, Hunter S. Thompson, and Joan Didion | Mosser, Jason. |
The Picture of Dorian Gray | Oscar Wilde |
The Prince | Machiavelli, Niccolò.-Nichols, J. G. |
The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
The Scarlet Letter Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
The Student’s Guide to Shakespeare | McKenzie, William |
The Time Machine Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
The Tragedies of William Shakespeare | Kuiper, Kathleen. |
The Tragedy of King Lear | William Shakespeare |
The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice | William Shakespeare |
The War of the Worlds | Wells, H. G. |
The Worlds of Langston Hughes | Vera M. Kutzinski |
Toni Morrison | Carmen Gillespie |
Treasure Island | Robert Louis Stevenson |
Treasure Island Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
Twelfth Night | William Shakespeare |
Twelfth Night Novel Study Guide | Saddleback Educational Publishing |
Twelve Years a Slave | Northup, Solomon |
Twenty-First Century Latin American Narrative and Postmodern Feminism | Ponce de Leòn, Gina. |
Uncle Tom’s Cabin | Stowe, Harriet Beecher-Northup, Solomon.-Northup, Solomon |
Understanding Louise Erdrich | Kurup, Seema |
Walden, and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience | Henry David Thoreau |
Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë |
Wuthering Heights on Film and Television | Valérie V. Hazette |
You Can Do a Graphic Novel | Slate, Barbara. |
Young Adult | Valerie Bodden |
Young Adult Literature | Michael Cart |
Young Goodman Brown and Other Stories | Hawthorne, Nathaniel |