Oxford Scholarship Online

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List of titles:

General Reference

  1. Aristophanes and the Definition of Comedy
  2. Balzac’s Shorter Fictions
  3. Bilingualism in Ancient Society
  4. Business groups in East Asia
  5. Computers, Phones, and the Internet
  6. Corporate Governance and Managerial Reform in Japan
  7. Corporate Governance, Competition, and Political Parties
  8. Culture, Self-Identity, and Work
  9. Derrida and Antiquity
  10. Digital Discourse
  11. Digital Era Governance IT Corporations, the State, and e-Government
  12. Discourse and Practice
  13. Electronic and Computer Music, Exp. Ed.
  14. English Literature and Ancient Languages
  15. Euripides’ Escape-Tragedies
  16. Feminine Discourse in Roman Comedy
  17. Food Webs and the Dynamics of Marine Reefs
  18. Freudian Mythologies
  19. Gender and the City in Euripides’ Political Plays
  20. High Skills Globalization, Competitiveness, and Skill Formation
  21. Homer in the Twentieth Century
  22. How Words Mean
  23. Ideographic Modernism
  24. Information Technology and Organizations Strategies, Network, and Integration
  25. Information Technology Strategies: How Leading Firms Use IT to Gain an Advantage
  26. International Research Business & Management: Studies in Interdisciplinary Methods from Business, Government, and Academia
  27. Introduction to Quantum Information Science
  28. Language Change: Volume I
  29. Language Change: Volume II
  30. Language Myths and the History of English
  31. Managing Financial Risks
  32. Managing Production Engineering Change and Stability
  33. Manufacturing Rationality The Engineering Foundations of the Management Revolution
  34. Marine Ecosystems and Climate Variation
  35. Marine Ecosystems and Global Change
  36. Mock-Epic Poetry from Pope Heine
  37. Modernism and the Museum
  38. Nietzsche and Proust: A Comparative Study
  39. Poetry and the making of the English Literary past
  40. Poetry of Translation: From Chaucer to Petrarch to Homer and Logue
  41. Pragmatic Modernism
  42. Public Administration: The Interdisciplinary Study of Government
  43. Regions and the World Economy: The coming shape of Global Production, Competition, and Political Order
  44. Representing Organization Knowledge, Business & management, and the Information Age
  45. Responsible conduct of Research
  46. Rhetorical Style
  47. Scepticism and Literature
  48. Stage, Stake and Scaffold
  49. Sterne, the Moderns, and the Novel
  50. Texts and Traditions: Religion in Shakespeare 1592-1604
  51. The biology of coral reefs
  52. The biology of Mangroves and Seagrasses
  53. The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship
  54. The Future of Chinese capitalism choices and chances
  55. The Internet Galaxy Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society
  56. The Languages of Aristophanes: Aspects of Linguistic Variation in Classical Attic Greek
  57. The Logic of Language: Language from Within Volume II
  58. The Moral Foundation of Economic Behavior
  59. The Origins of Beowulf: From Vergil to Wiglaf
  60. The Prehistory of Language
  61. The Relationship Advantage Information Technologies, Sourcing, and Management
  62. The State as Cultural Practice
  63. Translation and Survival
  64. Translation and the Classic
  65. Translation and the Poet’s Life
  66. Understanding Human Agency
  67. Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Play
  68. Women Latin Poets: Language, Gender and Authority from Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century

Titles Purchased by UP Diliman College of Science Library

1. Scientific methods and cultural heritage, c2010
2. Networks, c2010
3. Lectures on Complex Networks, c2010
4. Scale-Free Networks, c2007
5. Granular Patterns, c2008
6. Atomic and Laser Spectroscopy, c2006
7. Smart Structures, c2007
8. Plasma Spectroscopy, c2004
9. An Introduction to Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, c2004
10. Modeling Reality, c2004
11. Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena, c2002
12. Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics, c2004
13. Modern Perspectives in Lattice QCD: Quantum Field Theory and High Performance Computing, c2011
14. Financial Market Complexity, c2003
15. The Emperors New Mathematics, c2011
16. Hilbert Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory, c2006
17. Graphs and Homomorphisms, c2004
18. Celebrating Statistics, c2005
19. Combinatorics, Complexity, and Chance, c2007
20. Harmonic, Morphisms Between Riemannian Manifolds, c2003
21. The Theory of Infinite Soluble Groups, c2004
22. Operator Algebras and Their Modules, c2004
23. Adapting to a Changing Environment, c2011
24. Marine Ecosystems and Global Change, c2010
25. Stochastic Population Dynamics in Ecology and Conservation, c2003
26. The Estuarine Ecosystem, c2004
27. Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing, c2009
28. The Biology of Coral Reefs, c2009
29. Thermal Adaptation, c2009
30. Environmental Change and Globalization, c2008
31. Food Webs and the Dynamics of Marine Reefs, c2008
32. Foundations of Environmental Sustainability, c2008
33. Conservation and Sustainable Use, c2007
34. Fundamental Processes in Ecology, c2006
35. Habitat Management for Conservation, c2007
36. Principles and Standards for Measuring Primary Production, c2007
37. Respiration in Aquatic Ecosystems, c2007
38. The Biology of Mangroves and Seagrasses, c2007
39. Tropical Forests and Global Atmospheric Change, c2005
40. Computational Molecular Evolution, c2006
41. Infectious Disease in Primates, c2006
42. The Microbial Models of Molecular Biology, c2003
43. Human Genetic Diversity, c2009
44. Dispersal in Plants, c2008
45. Everyday Practice of Science, c2008
46. Aquatic Food Webs, c2005
47. Forest Ecology and Conservation, c2007
48. Marine Ecosystem and Climate Variation, c2007
49. Population Genetics, Linguistics, and Culture History in the Southwest Pacific, c2007
50. The Man Who Saved Sea Turtles, c2007

Titles Purchased by UP Diliman School of Economics Library

  1. Time series and panel data econometrics
  2. The Economics of chocolate
  3. The Economy of Dubai
  4. Unobserved components and time series econometrics
  5. Can microfinance work? : how to improve its ethical balance and effectiveness
  6. Infrastructure finance in Europe : insights into the history of water, transport, and telecommunications
  7. Economics and the virtues : building a new moral foundation
  8. Capitalism : competition, conflict, crises
  9. The Impact of incomplete contracts on economics
  10. The Economics of poverty : history, measurement, and policy