IG Library – Filipiniana Books

From the Filipiniana Books Section: These perpetual IG Library ebooks can be accessed through UPD OpenAthens account.

List of titles (616)

Alphabetical list of battles, 1754-1900 : war of the rebellion, Spanish-American war, Philippine insurrection, and all old wars, with dates; summary of events of the war of the rebellion, 1860-1865; Spanish-American war, Philippine insurrection, 1898-1900; troubles in China, 1900, with other valuable information
An American cruiser in the East; travels and studies in the Far East; the Aleutian islands, Behring’s sea, eastern Siberia, Japan, Korea, China, Formosa, Hong Kong, and the Philippine islands
Correspondence relating to the war with Spain and conditions growing out of the same, including the insurrection in the Philippine Islands and the China Relief Expedition, between the Adjutant-General of the army and military commanders in the United States, Cuba, Porto Rico, China, and the Philippine Islands, from April 15, 1898, to July 30, 1902
Gold standard in international trade : report on the introduction of the gold-exchange standard into China, the Philippine Islands, Panama, and other slver-using countries, and on the stability of exchange/ United States, Commission on International Exchange.  Heritage Books of Asia, 2010
Historia De Los Pp. Dominicos En Las Islas Filipinas Y En Sus Misiones Del Japon, China, Tung
Historia De Los Pp. Dominicos En Las Islas Filipinas Y En Sus Misiones Del Japon, China, Tung
La Inmigracien China En Filipinas
An Ohio Woman in the Philippines : Giving Personal Experiences and Descriptions Including Incidents of Honolulu, Ports in Japan and China
The Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, And China, At the Close of the Sixteenth Century
O’er oceans and continents with the setting sun : First series : Chicago, San Francisco, Hawaiian Islands, Japan, China, the Philippines
Hong Kong to Manilla and the lakes of Luzon, in the Philippine Isles, in the year 1856
Historia de los pp. Dominicos en las islas Filipinas y en sus misiones del Japon, China, Tung-kin y Formosa, que comprende los sucesos principales de la historia general de este archipilago, desde el descubrimiento y conquista de estas islas por las flotas espaolas, hasta el ao de 1840 : Vol. 3
Historia de los pp. Dominicos en las islas Filipinas y en sus misiones del Japon, China, Tung-kin y Formosa, que comprende los sucesos principales de la historia general de este archipilago, desde el descubrimiento y conquista de estas islas por las flotas espaolas, hasta el ao de 1840 : Vol. 6
Correspondence Relating to The War With Spain : Including The Insurrection In The Philippine Islands and The China Relief Expedition, April 15, 1898, to July 30, 1902/ United States. Adjutant-General’s Office. Heritage Books of Asia, 1993
Gold Standard In International Trade. Report On The Introduction of The Gold-Exchange Standard Into China, The Philippine Islands, Panama, and Other Silver-Using Countries, and On The Stability of Exchange . . .
The Story of The Philippines. Natural Riches, Industrial Resources, Statistics of Productions, Commerce and Population; The Laws, Habits, Customs, Scenery and Conditions of The Cuba of The East Indies, and The Thousand Islands of The Archipelagoes of India and Hawaii, With Episodes of Their Early History . . . Events of The War In The West With Spain, and The Conquest of Cuba and Porto Rico
European Settlements In The Far East : China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands, India, Borneo, The Philippines, Etc
Estudio forestal acerca de la India inglesa: Java y Filipinas
Modern Currency Reforms : A History and Discussion of Recent Currency Reforms in India, Porto Rico, Philippine Islands Straits Settlements and Mexico
Light in the East : India, Malaysia, the Philippines
Observations In The Orient : The Account of A Journey to Catholic Mission Fields In Japan, Korea, Manchuria, China, Indo-China, and The Philippines
India, Malaysia, and the Philippines : a practical study in missions
A Conquering Corps Badge : And Other Stories of the Philippines
Administration of Philippine Lands
Album of Philippine Types: (found in Bilibid Prison in 1903) Christians and Moros (including a
The American Occupation of the Philippines, 1898-1912
An Act to Incorporate the City of Manila: Enacted by the United States Philippine Commission
Fourmis des Philippines.
A Philippine Romance
Apuntes geogrficos de las Islas Filipinas: Escritos sobre el terreno
Apuntes interesantes sobre las Islas Filipinas, que pueden ser utiles para
Aranceles instruccion de Aduanas de Filipinas con las disposiciones que los reforman adicionan
Arguments against Philippine independence and their answers
An army woman in the Philippines; extracts from letters of an army officer’s wife, describing her personal experiences in the Philippine Islands
Aventures d’un gentilhomme breton aux iles Philippines: avec un aperu sur la gologie et na
A Woman’s Journey Through the Philippines on a Cable Ship that Linked
Barbara’s Philippine Journey
Bibliografa espaola de las Islas Filipinas(1523-1810)
Bibliography of the Philippine Islands
Bibliography of the Philippine Islands
Bulletin of the Philippine Museum
Campaigning in the Philippines : Illustrated
Cartas de Los Padres de La Compaia de Jesus de La Mision de Filipinas
Chinese Pottery in the Philippines
The Church and Our Government in the Philippines : An Address Delivered Before the Faculty and Students of the University of Notre Dame, October 5, 1904
Civil Government for the Philippine Islands : Speech of Hon. Julius C
The Civil Law in Spain and Spanish-America : Including Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Philippine Islands
Compendio de La Historia de Filipinas Por El P. Francisco X. Baranera de La
The history and conquest of the Philippines and our other island possessions; embracing our war with the Filipinos in 1899
Consejo de Administracin de Filipinas: Real decreto de 19 de mayo de 1893 sobre reorganizacin
Correlation of death-rates from certain diseases and certain economic and housing factors in the Philippine islands
Cuestiones Filipinas: Memoria
Daniel Everton, volunteer-regular; a romance of the Philippines
Decretos creando y organizando el cuerpo de Administracion Civil de Filipinas
De las Islas Filipinas: Memoria
De Madrid Filipinas (impresiones de viaje): seguidas de un apndice, conteniendo las compras …
Detecting criminal handwriting (with especial reference to the Philippines)
Die Philippinen und ihre bewohner. Sechs skizzen
Diptera from the Philippine Islands
The distribution of the Negritos in the Philippine Islands and elsewhere
Dust and foam or, Three oceans and two continents; being ten years’ wanderings in Mexico, South America, Sandwich islands, the East and West Indies, China, Philippines, Australia and Polynesia
The duty of the American people as to the Philippines
Economic resources and development of the Philippine Islands
El gran problema de las reformas en Filipinas: Planteado por el espaol
El katipunan el filibusterismo en Filipinas: Crnica ilustrada con
El paludismo en las Islas Filipinas: Discurso leido por el licenciado D
El rgimen municipal en las Islas Filipinas: Real decreto de 19 de mayo de 1893
Episodios histricos de Filipinas
Escenas Filipinas: Narraciones originales de costumbres de dichas islas por
Espaa en Filipinas
Ethnografa filipina: Los mayyaos y la raza ifugao(apuntes para un estudio)
The exaltation of the flag : proceedings at the patriotic mass meeting held by the Americans of the Philippine Islands, which took place in the city of Manila, P. I., on the evening of Friday, August 23, 1907
Fiestas de toros en Filipinas
Filipinas ante la razon del indio: Obra compuesta por el indgena Capitan Juan para utilidad de …
Filipinas articulos varios
Filipinas: Esbozos y pinceladas
Filipinas: Estudio de algunos asuntos de actualidad
Filipinas: Problema fundamental
Filipinas: Reorganizacin de su ejrcito, gobiernos y comandancias poltico-militares; Isla de …
First Steps in Language: A Primer Designed for Use in the Philippine Islands
Flora de Filipinas: Segun el sistema sexual de linneo
Foreign Commerce of the Philippine Islands …
Foreign commerce of the Philippine Islands, January-December, 1914, July-December, 1913
The former Philippines thru foreign eyes
Fragmente zu einer Geologie der Insel Luzon(philippinen).
Fraternidad militar y chifladura filipina
The Friar’s Daughter: A Story of the American Occupation of the Philippines
Frutos que pueden dar las reformas en Filipinas
Government of the Philippines
Government of the Philippine Islands. Speech of Hon. N.B. Scott, of West Virginia, in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, June 5, 1900
The Great white tribe in Filipinia
The Green Gods Pavilion: A Novel of the Philippines
Guerras pirticas de Filipinas contra mindanaos y joloanos
A guide book on the Philippine question
Historia De La Exposicin De Las Islas Filipinas En Madrid El A?o De 1887
Historia General De Filipinas Desde El Descubrimiento De Dichas Islas Hasta Nuestras Das
Historia Geogrfica: Geolgica Y Estadi?tica De Filipinas. Con Datos Geogrficos, Geolgicos Y
The History of the Utah Volunteers in the Spanish-American War and in the Philippine Islands. A Complete History of All the Military Organizations in Which Utah Men Served
Jack and Janet in the Philippines: A Sequel to Around the World With Jack and Janet
Kansas Troops in the Volunteer Service of the United States in the Spanish and Philippine Wars ; Vol. 2
La Imprenta En Filipinas: Adiciones Y Observaciones a La Imprenta En Manila De D. J. T. Medina
La Instruccien Primaria En Filipinas
La Insurreccien En Filipinas
La Libertad De Comercio En Las Islas Filipinas
La Masonere?A En Filipinas: Estudio De Actualidad; Apuntes Para La Historia De La Colonizacien.
Las Desdichas De La Patria. : Nuestra Decadencia. Insurrecciones De Cuba Y Filipinas. Guerra.
La Seismologe?A En Filipinas: Datos Para El Estudio De Terremotos Del Archipielago Filipino
La Sensacional Memoria De Isabelo De Los Reyes Sobre La Revolucien Filipina De 1896-97: Por La.
Las Islas Filipinas En 1882: Estudios Histericos, Geogreficos, Estade?Sticos.
La Verdad Sobre Filipinas
Laws of the Third Philippine Legislature: Message from the President of The.
Legislacien Vigente De Instruccien Primaria En Las Islas Filipinas
Little Journeys to Hawaii and the Philippine Islands
Lives of Four Martyrs of Tonkin Who Belonged to the Dominican Province of the Holy Rosary in the Philippine Islands; Beatified the 20th of May, 1906
Los Frailes de Filipinas: Breves Consideraciones de Actualidad Escritas Por Un Espaol Peninsular
Los Horrores de Filipinas: Versin Castellana ; Vol. 1
Los Mayyaos Y La Raza Ifugao: Apuntes Para Un Estudio: Etnografa Filipina
Memoria Acerca de Las Misiones de Los Pp. Agustinos Calzados En Las Islas Filipinas: Presentada
Memorias Histo?ricas Y Estadi?sticas de Filipinas Y Particularmente de La Grande Isla de Luzon
Memoria Sobre El Ramo de Montes En Las Islas Filipinas…
Memoria Sobre Filipinas Y Jolo, Redactada En 1863 Y 1864 Por El Excmo
My Philippine Pictures and Other Poems
Noticias Sobre La Imprenta Y El Grabado En Filipinas
Official History of the Operations of the First Washington Infantry, U.S.V. in the Campaign in the Philippine Islands
Orphans of the Philippines
Our Boys in the Philippines: A Pictorial History of the War, and General Views of the Philippines, the Natives, Industries, Habits, Etc
Pacita, O, La Virtuosa Filipina : Novela Recreativa de Costumbres Orientales
Papeles Interesantes a Los Regulares Que En Las Islas Filipinas Administran La Cura de Almas
Paralelo Entre La Conquista Y Dominacion de America Y El Descubrimiento Y Pacificacion de Filipinas
The Philippine Act
The Pepet Law in Philippine Languages ..
The Philippine Islands; Their Industrial and Commercial Possibilities ..
Philippine Mats
The Philippine Policy of Secretary Taft
Philippine Postal Savings Banks : What Postal Savings Banks are and Rules and Regulations Governing Their Use
The Philippine Problem Presented from a New Angle
The Philippine Public Schools at the Panama Pacific International Exposition …
The Philippines a Young Republic on the Move
Philippine School of Arts and Trades; Nautical Department
The Philippines, Past and Present : Vol. 1
The Philippines, Past and Present : Vol. 2
The Philippines Under Spanish and American Rules
The Philippines: The War and the People; A Record of Personal Observations and Experiences
Philippine Tariff Bill: Hearings Before the Committee on Ways and Means …
The Philippine Tariff: Speech … In the Senate of the United States, Friday, February 21, 1902
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 25
Plain American Talk in the Philippines
Poblacion Y Comercio de Filipinas
The Philippine Islands and Their People : A Record of Personal Observation and Experience, With a Short Summary of the More Important Facts in the History of the Archipelago
The Power of Destiny : Revealed in Our War With Spain and the Philippines
The Presbyterian Church and the Filipino
Primary and Intermediate Sewing; A Manual for Use in Philippine Schools and Normal Institutes
Primer Containing Questions and Answers on the Public Land Laws in Force in the Philippine Islands. Issued February 26, 1906
Principles of Colonial Government Adapted to the Present Needs of Cuba and Porto Rico, And of the Philippines
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 21
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 24
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 51
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 23
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 22
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 26
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 27
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 28
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 29
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 30
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 31
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 32
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 47
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 48
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 46
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 49
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 50
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 52
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Commercial and Religious Conditions of Those Islands from Their Earliest Relations With European Nations to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century : Vol. 55
The Progressing Philippines
Public Laws and Resolutions Passed by the United States Philippine Commission : Vol. 11
Queen Philippine : Comic Opera in Two Acts. Music
The Racial Anatomy of the Philippine Islanders, Introducing New Methods of Anthropology and Showing Their Application to the Filipinos with a Classification of Human Ears and a Scheme for the Heredity of Anatomical Characters in Man
Reciprocity and the Philippine Islands
Recollections of Manilla and the Philippines During 1848, 1849, And 1850
List of Works Relating to the American Occupation of the Philippine Islands, 1898-1903
Relato de Un Viaje de Espana a Filipinas
The San Jose College Case in the Supreme Copurt of the Philippine Islands
Selected Articles on Independence for the Philippines
Self-Government in the Philippines
Siluetas Filipinas
Souvenir of the 8th Army Corps Philippine Expedition: A Pictorial History of the Philippine Campaign
The Story of the Philippines: A Popular Account of the Islands from Their Discovery by Magellan to the Capture by Dewey
Taming Philippine Headhunters
Topografia Medica De Las Islas Filipinas
Trade of the Philippine Islands
Translation of General Regulations for the Execution of the Mortgage Law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, And the Philippines. (1893.)
Translation of the Mining Law and Regulations in Force in the Philippines. War Department, Division of Customs and Insular Affairs, July, 1900
Travels in the Philippines
A Treatise on Philippine Practice : Including the Law of Evidence Applicable to All Courts and All Laws Relating to the Primary Courts, Topically Arranged and Annotated, With Appropriate Decisions of the Supreme Court and Opinions of the Attorney General, Down to July 15, 1907
True Version of the Philippine Revolution
Una Epizootia En Filipinas
Under Macarthur in Luzon or Last Battles in the Philippines
United States Army in World War Ii the War in the Pacific Leyte the Return to the Philippines
United States Provisional Customs Tariff and Regulations in the Philippine Islands: Office of …
Verses of the Philippines
Viajes Por Filipinas De Manila a Albay
Baguios O Ciclones Filipinos; Estudio TeoRico-PraCtico
La reforma del municipio indigena en Filipinas
The Baguio Country Club, Baguio, Philippine Islands
The Discovery and Conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands : Containing Their History …
The Philippines : a summary account of their ethnographical, historical and political conditions
An army officer’s Philippine studies
A sailor boy with Dewey; or, Afloat in the Philippines
Discovery, Conquest, and Early History of The Philippine Islands
Preliminary Notes On The Birds and Mammals Collected By The Menage Scientific Expedition to The Philippine Islands
Vexata Quaestio, Or, What Shall We Do With The Friar : A Brief Sketch of Three Centuries of History In The Philippines
The New Era In The Philippines
A History of The Philippines : For Class Use
Philippine Government
As It Is In The Philippines
Picturesque Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines : a photographic panorama of our new possessions … also life in the American army and navy, with portraits of the chief actors in the Spanish-American war
The Philippines and Filipinos; A Treatise On The History, The Civics, and The Mathematical, Physical and Political Geography of The Philippine Archipelago
The Woman With A Stone Heart; A Romance of The Philippine War
Philippine Progress Prior to 1898
Lineage, Life and Labors of Jose Rizal : Philippine Patriot : A Study of The Growth of Free Ideas In The Trans-Pacific American Territory
Crozet’s Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand, The Ladrone Islands, and The Philippines In The Years 1771-1772
An Englishwoman In The Philippines
A History of The Philippines
The Development of Self-Government In The Philippine Islands
A Story From The Philippines
The Philippines to The End of The Military ReGime; America Overseas
The Story of The Lopez Family : A Page From The History of The War In The Philippines
Historia de los pp. Dominicos en las islas Filipinas y en sus misiones del Japon, China, Tung-kin y Formosa, que comprende los sucesos principales de la historia general de este archipilago, desde el descubrimiento y conquista de estas islas por las flotas espaolas, hasta el ao de 1840 : Vol. 1
Historia de los pp. Dominicos en las islas Filipinas y en sus misiones del Japon, China, Tung-kin y Formosa, que comprende los sucesos principales de la historia general de este archipilago, desde el descubrimiento y conquista de estas islas por las flotas espaolas, hasta el ao de 1840 : Vol. 4
Historia de los pp. Dominicos en las islas Filipinas y en sus misiones del Japon, China, Tung-kin y Formosa, que comprende los sucesos principales de la historia general de este archipilago, desde el descubrimiento y conquista de estas islas por las flotas espaolas, hasta el ao de 1840 : Vol. 5
La soberana de Espaa en Filipinas : opsculo de actualidad destinado popularizar en el pas las salvadoras ideas relativas esta materia
The Philippine Islands. A political, geographical, ethnographical, social and commercial history of the Philippine Archipelago and its political dependencies, embracing the whole period of Spanish rule
Memories of Two Wars : Cuban and Philippine Experiences
Reminiscences of The Spanish-American War In Cuba and The Philippines
Lecciones de geografa descriptiva de Filipinas
El progreso de Filipinas : Estudios econmicos, administrativos y polticos
The Philippines
Uncle Sam’s boys in the Philippines; or, Following the flag against the Moros
The Handy War Book Containing Authentic Information and Statistics On Subjects Relating to The War . . . Also A Brief History of Cuba, Porto Rico, The Philippines and Other Islands. With Accurate War Maps and Photographic Pictures of U. S. War Vessels
Economic Conditions in the Philippines
Articulos Varios Sobre Etnografa : Historia Y Costumbres De Filipinas
The Philippine Citizen : A Text-Book of Civics, Describing The Nature of Government, The Philippine Government, and The Rights and Duties of Citizens of The Philippines
A Short History of The Philippines, For Use In Philippine Schools
The Question of The Philippines : An Address Delivered Before The Graduate Club of Leland Stanford Junior University, On February 14, 1899
Filipinas : Notas de viaje y de estancia
El filibusterismo : (continuacin del Noli me tangere)novela filipina
Biblioteca Histrica Filipina
The Present Government of The Philippines
An Army Boy In The Philippines
Found In The Philippines; The Story of A Woman’s Letters
The Story of The Philippines For Use In The Schools of The Philippine Islands
Peoples of the Philippines
The Philippine Islands
The Americans In The Philippines; A History of The Conquest and First Years of Occupation, With An Introductory Account of The Spanish Rule : Vol. 1
The Tagalog Language : A Comprehensive Grammatical Treatise Adapted to Self-Instruction and Particularly Designed For Use of Those Engaged In Government Service, Or In Business Or Trade In The Philippines
The Americans In The Philippines, A History of The Conquest and First Years of Occupation, With An Introductory Account of The Spanish Rule; : Vol. 2
The Devil In The Church, His Secret Works Exposed and His Snares Laid to Destroy Our Public Schools. A History of Romanism For Nineteen Hundred Years; Its Opposition to Our Public School System and Effect Upon Our People and Government, Including An Account of Priestly Misrule In The Philippine Islands As Made Public By The U. S. Government . . .
The Philippines : A Geographical Reader
The government of the Philippine Islands; its development and fundamentals
Filipinas : Pequeos estudios
From Iowa to The Philippines; A History of Company M, Fifty-First Iowa Infantry Volunteers
An Historical View of The Philippine Islands : Exhibiting Their Discovery, Population, Language, Government, Manners, Customs, Productions and Commerce
Civil Government In The Philippines
Stories of Long Ago In The Philippines
El tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion en las islas Filipinas
Commercial geography. The materials of commerce for the Philippines
Campaa De Filipinas; La Divisin Lachambre, 1897
The Democratic Party and Philippine Independence
Preparing Project Feasibility Studies For Philippine Business Enterprises
Education in the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and Samoa
Act and Amendments Creating The Philippine National Bank
The Municipal Code and The Provincial Government Act, Being Act No. 82, Entitled A General Act For The Organization of Municipal Governments In The Philippine Island, and Act No. 83, Entitled A General Act For The Organization of Provincial Governments In The Philippine Islands As Amended By The Acts of The Philippine Commission Down to and Including May 31, 1905
Internal Revenue Laws of The Philippine Islands In Force and Effect July 1, 1921
Spanish Public Land Laws (English Translation) In The Philippine Islands and Their History to August 13, 1898
History and description of the Philippine General Hospital. Manila, Philippine Islands, 1900 to 1911
Criminality In The Philippine Islands, 1903-1908
Message of the Governor-General to the second Philippine legislature, Manila, October 17, 1910
The Coal Measures of The Philippines. A Rapid History of The Discovery of Coal In The Archipelago and Subsequent Developments, With The Full Text of The Record of The Macleod Coal Concession In Cebu, Or The Uling-Lutac Coal and Railway Concession
The Facts As to The Philippine Islands : Compiled For The Enlightenment of The American People
Where Half The World Is Waking Up; The Old and The New In Japan, China, The Philippines, and India, Reported With Especial Reference to American Conditions
Catlogo De La Coleccin De Moluscos De Filipinas Existente En La Inspeccin General De Montes
Boy Scouts In The Philippines; Or, The Key to The Treaty Box
The law and policy of annexation, with special reference to the Philippines, together with observations on the status of Cuba
Notes on the law of territorial expansion, with especial reference to the Philippines
Philippine Islands : report by Mr. Consul Ricketts on the trade and commerce of the Philippine Islands for the year 1867
The Philippines A Century Hence
The Outlook For The Philippines
The inhabitants of the Philippines
Philippine Affairs; A Retrospect and Outlook; An Address
Yesterdays In The Philippines
War In The Philippines ; And, Life and Glorious Deeds of Admiral Dewey : A Thrilling Account of Our Conflicts With The Spaniards and Filipinos In The Orient, Including The Glorious Deeds of The Great Commander and The Complete Story of The Philippine Islands, Historical and Descriptive
Admiral Dewey At Manila and The Complete Story of The Philippines : Life and Glorious Deeds of Admiral George Dewey, Including A Thrilling Account of Our Conflict With The Spaniards and Filipinos In The Orient
A United States midshipman in the Philippines
Facts about the Philippines
Album HistoRico De La Primera Asamblea Filipina
United States Coast Pilot, Philippine Islands
Laws Relating to Public Lands In The Philippine Islands
Customs Tariff of The Philippine Islands, 1909, With Index and Repertory, and Appendix Including Extract From United States Tariff Law of 1909 Concerning Tariff Relations With The Philippine Islands
What Has Been Done In The Philippines : A Record of Practical Accomplishments Under Civil Government
Information Regarding Sale of Certain Land In The Philippines Adverse Report. To Accompany H. Res. No. 575.
Catholic Church Claims and Proposed Agricultural Bank In The Philippine Islands. (Hearings, Jan. 7-10, 1907)
Duties on Philippine products. Hearings before the Committee on ways and means, House of representatives (58th Congress, 3d session) ..
The Commercial Philippines In 1906 : Showing The Trade of The Islands, The Chief Countries Participating Therein, The Principal Articles Imported and Exported, and Details of Trade of The United States With The Islands During A Term of Years
Philippines : Railroads and Corporations
Acts of The Philippine Commission, No. 1-1800
Immorality and political grafting of Roman Catholic priests in the Philippine Islands : extracts from message of the President of the United States : transmitting in response to resolution of the Senate of January 26, 1901, a report from the Secretary of War, with accompanying papers, etc.
Lands Held For Ecclesiastical Or Religious Uses In The Philippine Islands, Etc. : Message From The President of The United States, Transmitting . . . A Report From The Secretary of War, With Accompanying Papers . . . Also Transmitting Certified Copies of The Acts of The Philippine Commission, Numbers 56 to 68, Inclusive : Feb. 25, 1901 : Read, Referred to The Committee On The Philippines, and Ordered to Be Printed
Customs tariff and regulations for the Philippine Islands
Special reports on the Philippines to the president
Dress and Adornment In The Mountain Province of Luzon, Philippine Islands
Pictorial History of Our War With Spain For Cuba’s Freedom : A Thrilling Account of The Land and Naval Operations of American Soldiers and Sailors In Our War With Spain, and The Heroic Struggles of Cuban Patriots Against Spanish Tyranny : Including A Description and History of Cuba, Spain, Philippine Islands, Our Army and Navy, Fighting Strength, Coast Defenses, and Our Relations With Other Nations, Etc. , Etc.
Tales of The Malayan Coast : From Penang to The Philippines
Our Philippine Problem : A Study of American Colonial Policy
Slavery and Peonage In The Philippine Islands
Commercial possibilities of the Philippines
The Non-Christian Peoples of The Philippine Islands
A Handbook of The Philippines
Life and Heroic Deeds of Admiral Dewey : Including Battles In The Philippines . . . Together With Thrilling Accounts of Our Great Victories In The Philippines, The Climate, Products and Rich Resources of These Wonderful Islands, Together With The Manners and Customs of The People, Their Cities, Towns, Natural Scenery, Etc.
American Occupation of The Philippines : Historical Record From The Date of The Capitulation of Manila to Admiral Dewey and The United States Navy
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 1
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 10
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 11
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 12
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 13
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 2
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 3
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 4
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 5
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 6
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 7
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 8
De las Islas Filipinas : Vol. 9
The American Victories In The Philippine Islands
Facts and Figures About The Philippines . . .
The Civilizers of The Philippines (Statements Concerning The Roman Catholic Church In The Philippine Islands)
Major and Minor Keys : Critical Essays on Philippine Fiction and Poetry
Mando Del General Weyler en Filipinas, 5 Junio, 1888-17 Noviembre 1891; Apuntes y Documentos Para La Historia Poltica, Administrativa y Militar de Dichas Islas
Manila and the Philippines
Manual Para El Cultivo y Beneficio Del Tabaco en Filipinas
Memoria Complementaria de La Seccin 2. A Del Programa Pobladores Aborgenes, Razas Existentes y Sus Variedades, Religion, Usos y Costumbres de Los Habitantes de Filipinas
Memorias Del Cautiverio (Paginas de La Revolucion Filipina)
Memoria Sobre La Poblacion y Riqueza de Las Islas Filipinas, y Reformas Economico-Administrativas Que El Gobierno Espanol Debe Plantear Para La Prosperidad de Aquellas Posesiones y Del Estado
Military Notes on the Philippines. September 1898 : No. 20
Neely’s Photographs; Panoramic Views of Cuba, Porto Rico, Manila and the Philippines
An Observer in the Philippines; Or, Life in Our New Possessions
The Official Records of the Oregon Volunteers in the Spanish War and Philippine Insurrection
On the Genus Actinometra, Mll., with a Morphological Account of a New Species (A.) Polymorpha from the Philippine Islands. Part I
Our Island Empire; A Hand-Book of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippine Islands
Our New Possessions : Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Philippines
Pagpatikang Kag Pagbinahin-Bahin Sa Exposicion Filipina : Didto Sa Expocision, Nga Nagapahanumdum
The People of the Philippines : Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting an Article on the People of the Philippines
The Peoples of the Philippine Islands;
The Philippine Chart Primer
The Philippine Experiences of an American Teacher; A Narrative of Work and Travel in the Philippine Islands
Philippine Geography Primer
The Philippine Islands
Philippine Islands Sailing Directions
Philippine Life in Town and Country
The Philippine Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Philippine Observer
The Philippines and the Far East
The Philippines and Round About : With Some Account of British Interests in These Waters
The Philippines : A Record of Personal Observations and Experiences
Philippine Tariff. Hearings Before the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, Fifty-Ninth Congress, First Session. December 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 1905. (To Which Is Appended the Public Hearings Held in the Philippines, August, 1905.) December, 1905
Population of the Philippines : by Islands, Provinces, Municipalities, and Barrios, Taken in Year
Perdida de La Provincia de La Isabela de Luzon (Islas Filipinas) : Memoria
Public Laws and Resolutions Passed by the United States Philippine Commission, During the Quarter
Public Laws and Resolutions Passed by the United States Philippine Commission, During the Quarter
Public Laws and Resolutions Passed by the United States Philippine Commission.
Report of the Governor General of the Philippine Islands to the Secretary of War : Year 1922
The Retention of the Philippine Islands : Speech of Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, of Massachusetts, in
Revenue for the Philippine Islands : Hearings Before the Committee on the Philippines of the United States Senate. [Jan. 20-Feb. 28, 1906]
Sinopsis de Familias y Generos de Plantas Leosas de Filipinas : Introduccion La Flora Forestal Del Archipielago Filipino
Situacion Economica de Filipinas y Medios de Mejorarla
State of the Philippine Islands : Being an Historical, Statistical, and
The Story of Magellan : And the Discovery of the Philippines
The Story of Our Nation, from the Earliest Discoveries to the Present Time Together with a Graphic Account of Porto Rico, Cuba, Hawaii and the Philippine Islands
Summary of Commerce of the Philippine Islands
Supersticiones de Los Indios Filipinos
The Tinguian : Social, Religious, and Economic Life of a Philippinetribe
Translation of the Penal Code in Force in the Philippines
Translation of the Railroad Laws and Regulations in Force in the Philippines : Including the
Notes on a Collection of Birds from Mindoro Island, Philippines
Asia at the Crossroads: Japan, Korea, China, Philippine Islands
Glimpses of the Orient : or, The manners, customs, life and history of the people of China, Japan and Corea, the Philippine, Caroline and Ladrone Islands ”¦/ Trumbull White. Heritage Books of Asia, 2010
Use of Opium and Traffic Therein. Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting the Report of the Committee Appointed by the Philippine Commission to Investigate the Use of Opium and the Traffic Therein, and the Rules, Ordinances, and Laws Regulating Such Use and Traffic in Japan, Formosa, Shanghai, Hongkong, Saigon, Singapore, Burma, Java, and the Philippine Islands, and Inclosing a Letter from the Secretary of War
Voyage aux Indes orientales et a la Chine : fait par ordre du Roi, depuis 1774 jusqu’en 1781 : dans lequel on traite des moeurs, de la religion, des sciences & des arts des Indiens, des Chinois, des Pegouins & des Madegasses ; suivi d’observations fur le Cap de Boone-Esperance, les Isles de France & de Bourbon, les Maldives, Ceylan, Malacca, les Philippines & les Moluques, & de recherches sur l’histoire naturelle de ces pays
Exchange rate policy and monetary strategy options in the Philippines : the search for stability and sustainablity
Philippines: toward sustainable and rapid growth: recent developments and the agenda ahead
Whither the Philippines in the 21st century?
Getting a dial tone : telecommunications liberalisation in Malaysia and the Philippines
An upland community in transition : institutional innovations for sustainable development in rural Philippines
Where in the world is the Philippines? : debating its national territory
Institutional engineering and political accountability in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines
The Philippine economy : no longer the East Asian exception?
The poverty of television: the mediation of suffering in class-divided philippines
Diagnosing the Philippine economy: toward inclusive growth
Agents of apocalypse: epidemic disease in the colonial Philippines
Crisis in the Philippines: the marcos era and beyond
The matrix of policy in the Philippines
Historical dictionary of the Philippines, third edition
Localizing and transnationalizing contentious politics: global civil society movements in the Philippines
State and society in the Philippines
Pigs and persons in the Philippines: human-animal entanglements in Ifugao rituals
Tin Pan alley and the Philippines: American songs of war and love, 1898-1946, a resource guide
The Huk rebellion: a study of peasant revolt in the Philippines
Iraq, terror, and the Philippines’ will to war
Building a more robust U.S.-Philippines alliance
Sport and the American occupation of the Philippines : bats, balls, and bayonets
Neoliberalizing spaces in the Philippines : suburbanization, transnational migration, and dispossession
Comfort woman: a Filipina’s story of prostitution and slavery under the Japanese military, 2nd edition
Fourth Annual Report of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands to the President and Congress of the United States, Covering the Fiscal Year July 1, 1939 to June 30, 1940, Manila, September 1, 1941
Addresses of His Excellency : President of the Philippines on the Theory of a Partyless Democarcy
Administrative Code of the Philippine Islands, 1934 : Supplemental Materials Including Acts, Executive Orders, and Constitution 1934-1941
Admiral Dewey at Manila and the Complete Story of the Philippines : Life and Glorious Deeds of Admiral George Dewey
Affairs in the Philippine Islands : Hearings Before the Committee on the Philippines of the United States Senate
Aguinaldo : A Narrative of Filipino Ambitions
Atlas of the Philippine Islands, Special Publication No. 3
Blue Book of the Inauguration of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
Brief Historical Sketches of Philippine Catholic Churches
Through the Philippines and Hawaii : Carpenter’s World Travels
Chinese Element in the Tagalog Language : With Some Indication of Chinese Influence on Other Philippine Language and Cultures, and an Excursion Into Austronesian Linguistics
A Visit to The Philippine Islands
Economic Survet Report : The Government of the Philippine Islands Department of Public Instruction Bureau of Education
Filipinos and Their Country
Guerrilla Resistance Movements in the Philippines
Report on the Financial and Industrial Conditions of the Philippine Islands
I Saw the Fall of the Philippines
I See the Philippines Rise
Important Documents : Illustrative of Philippine History
Information Regarding Sale of Certain Land in the Philippines
The Law and Policy of Annexation : With Special Reference to The Philippines Together with Observations on the Status of Cuba
Memories of Two Wars : Cuban and Philippine Experiences
Message of Governor-General Frank Murphy to the Tenth Philippine Legislature in Its Final Session November 14, 1935
Philippine Social Life and Progress
Philippine Business Blue Book : Acts and Proceedings of the National Convention of Filipino Businessmen Manila, July, 1946
Philippine Folklore Stories
Philippine Independence : Motives, Problems, and Prospects
Philippine Social Register
Special Bulletin No.1 : Census of the Philippines October 1. 1948
Report of the Auditor General to the President of the Philippines and the National Assembly for the Period January 1 to November 14, 1935
Republic or Empire? : The Philippine Question
Revised Administrative Code of the Philippine Islands of 1917
Revised Administrative Code of the Philippine
Sailing the Sulu Sea : Belles and Bandits in the Philippines
Letter from The Acting Secretary of War, : Sale of Friar Lands in the Philippine Islands, No. 1071
Philippine Culture : Syllabus
Message from the President of the United States : Reports of the Taft Philippine Commission
History of the Society of Jesus in the Philippine Islands
The Philippines
History of the Philippines
The Government of the Philippine Islands : Speech of Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, of New York, in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, February 27, 1900
Gazetteer to Maps of Philippine Islands : Map series AMS S401 scale 1: 500,000, second edition
Handbook of the Philippine Islands, translated from the Compendio de geografia of P. Francisco X. Baranera, S. J. With an historical sketch by Alexander Laist
Isles of Opportunity : Progress and Possibilities in the Philippine Islands
The Odyssey of the Philippine Commission
A Woman’s Impressions of the Philippines
Yesterdays in the Philippines
The Non-Christian Peoples of the Philippine Islands : The National Geographic magazine, Vol. XXIV, No. 11
The Half-Way Sun : Life Among the Headhunters of the Philippines
History of the Philippines : Economic-Social-Political
The Philippine Problem 1898-1913
A Brief History of the Philippines
The Outlook for the Philippines
Conditions in the Philippines
The Story of Two Wars : An Illustrated History of Our War With Spain and Our War With the Filipinos Their Causes, incidents, and Results : A Record of Civil, Military, and Naval Operations form Official Sources
Life and Heroic Deeds of Admiral Dewey : Including Battles in the Philippines Containing A Complete and Glowing Account of the Grand Achievements of the Hero of Manila; His Ancestry and Early Life; His Brilliant Career in the Great Civil War; His Famous V
The Philippine Problem
A Decade of American Government in the Philippines 1903-1913
America and The Philippines
The Philippine Islands, Vol. I
The Philippine Islands, Vol. II
Philippine Independence : Shall it be Granted, and If so, Under What Conditions?
The Price of Philippine Indepence Under the Tydings-Maduffie Act (An Anti-View of the So-Called Independence Law(
The Corner-Stone of Philippine Independence : A Narrative of Seven Years
The Isles of Fear : The Truth About the Philippines
Message From the President of the United States Transmitting The Seventh and Final Report of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands Covering the Period From September 14, 1945, to July 4, 1946
Report of the Philippine Commission : To the Secretary of War 1913 (In One Part)
Bullets and Bolos : Fifteen Years in the Philippine Islands
Papers, Addresses and Other Writings of Manuel Roxas, Vol . One Speeches, Addresses and Messages As President of the Philippines Jan. 1946-Feb. 1, 1947
Rendezvous By Submarine : The Stpry of Charles Parsons and the Philippines
Traditions of the Tinguian : A Study in Philippine Folk-Lore, Vol. XIV, No. I
Philippine National Dances
The Peopling of the Philippines, Part 1.
Economic Conditions in the Philippines
The Friar-Land Inquiry Philippine Government
An Eagle Flight : A Filipino Nobel
United States Coast Pilot Philippine Islands, Part I Luzon, Mindoro, and Visayas, Third (1939) Edition
A List of Books (With References to Periodicals) on the Philippine Islands in the Library of Congress
The Philippine Islands : Illustrated
Shipping Between United States and Philippines, No. 124
Tariff Between the United States and the Philippine Islands, No. 134
Ten Months a Captive Among Filipinos : Being A Narrative of Advventure and Observation During Imprisonment on the Island of Luzon, P. I.
Teodoro R. Yangco : Leading Filipino Philanthropist and Grand Old Man of Commerce
The Case for the Filipinos
The Code of the University of the Philippines, Embodying All the Rules and Regulations Passed by The Board of Regents, The University Council and The Executive Committee
The Commonwealth of The Philippines
The Expedition to the Philippines
The Far Eastern Tropics : Studie in the Administration of Tropical Dependencies : Hong Kong, British North Borneo, Sarawak, Burma, The Federated Malay States, The Straits Settlements, French Indo-China, Java, The Philippine Islands
The Filipino of Life : The Pluralized Philosophy
The Golden Horseshoe : Extracts From the Letters of Catain H. L. Herndon of the 21st U.S. Infantry, On Duty in the Philippine Islands, and Lieutenant Lawrence Gill, A.D.C. To The Military Governor of Puerto Rico. With A Postscript By J. Sherman, Private
The History and Conquest of the Philippines and Our Other Island Possessions
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898, Vol. LI-1801-1840
The Philippine Charter of Liberty
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. X-1597-1599
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XI-1599-1602
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XII-1601-1604
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XIII-1604-1605
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XIV-1605-1609
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XVIII-1617-1620
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. VIII-1591-1593
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XIX-1620-1621
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XL-1690-1691
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XLIII-1670-1700
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XLV-1736
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XXV-1635-1636
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XXXII-1640
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XXXVI-1649-1666
The Philippine Islands and Their People : A Record of Personal Observation and Experience, With A Short Summary of the More Important Facts In The History of The Archipelago
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898, Vol. XLVI-1721-1739
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898, Vol. XV-1609
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898, Vol. XX-1621-1624
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898, Vol. XXIII-1629-1630
The Philippine Situation : Testimony and Statements of Witnesses, American and Foreign, No. 422
The Philippine Story
The Philippines : A Treasure and a Problem
The Philippines and India
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898, Vol. XLIX-1762-1765
The Philippines : A Nation in the Making
The Philippines : A Study in National Development
The Philippines : The First Civil Governor
The Philippines Islands 1493-1898, Vol. XXXVII-1669-1676
His Excellency Manuel Roxas President of the Philippines on The Problems of Philippines Rehabilitation and Trade Relations
Wanderings Among South Sea Savages And in Borneo and the Philippines
What Every Filipino Should Know About Propaganda
When Dewey Came to Manila or Among The Filipinos
The Prople of the Philippines : Letter From The Secretary of Way, No. 218
Bitter Tears of Mother Philippines
A critique of post-war financial policies in the Philippines
Census of the Philippines: 1939, Vol. I Part III
Philippine Emergency : The Impact of War on the Philippine Commonwealth and Its relations with the United States
Philippine Shipping Bill : Letter from The Secretary of War, No. 182
Philippine Trade Act Of 1946, No.1145
Bulletin 1 : Population of the Philippines : By Islands, Provinces, Municipaltites, and Barrios Taken in the Year 1903
The Moro Problem : An Academic Discussion of the History and Solution of the Problem of the Government of the Moros of the Philippine Islands
The Philippine Islands
Peoples of the Philippines : Smithsonian Institution. War background studies, No. 4
The Philippine Island 1493-1898 : Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the Political, Economic, Co
Message of His Excellency Manuel L. Quezon President of the Philippines to the Second National Assembly Delivered January 24, 1939, First Session
Outline Review of Philippine Archaeology by Islands and Provinces : The Philippine Journal of Science, Vol. 77 No. 3-4
Offical Roster of Officers and Employees in the Civil Service of the Philippine Islands : The Government of the Philippine Islands Bureau of Civil Service July 1, 1914
The Civil Marriage Act in the Philippine Islands : Commentary on the New Civil Marriage Act in the Philippines, No. 3613, in Force on the 5th of June 1930
The Government of the Philippines : Should Sponsor the Implantation of Cooperatives in This Country
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XXVII-1636-1637
The Philippine Island 1493-1898, Vol. XLIV-1700-1736
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898, Vol. XXVIII-1637-1638
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898, Vol. XXX-1640
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898 Vol. XXXVIII-1674-1683
War In The Philippines and Life and Glorious Deeds of Admiral Dewey
History Of The Philippines
Eighteenth Annual Report Of The Collector Of Internal Revenue Of The Philippine Islands
Second Battle Of The Philippines
The People of The Philippines
History of The Society of Jesus in The Philippine Islands
Malaya, in donesia,Borneo, And The Philippines
A Manual For Courts-Martial Philippine Army
American Tariff Policy Towards The Philippines
Crisis in The Philippines
Gazetter of The Philippine Islands
Government of The Philippines
Philippine Folk Dances
Philippine Folk Tales Compiled And Annotated
Report of The Governor-General of The Philippine Islands 1932-1933/ Heritage Books of Asia, 1988
Report of The Governor General of The Philippine Islands To The Secretary of War/ Heritage Books of Asia, 1988
Revised Administrative Code of the Philippine Islands
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898
The Philippine Islands 1493-1803
The Kalibapi And The Filipino
Philippine Government And Political Law
The Filipino Martyrs
The Filipinos’ Fight For Freedo
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898 Vol XXXI -1640
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898 Vol XVII -1609-1616
The Philippine Islands 1493-1898 Vol XVI -1609
The Philippines The War & The People
The Story of The Philippines
Political Affairs in The Philippine Islands.
Population of The Philippine Islands in 1916
Protests Againstamerican Civil Government in The Island of Cebu,Philippine Islands
Report On Communism in The Philippines
Philippine Tariff Laws
Philippine Civil Service
Official Roster of Officers and Employees in The Civil Service of The Philippine Islands
Some Notes On The Bibliography of The Philippines
The Friars in The Philippines
The New Philippine Ideology
The New Philippine Ideology
The Peasant War in The Philippines
The Philippine Customs Administrative Act
The Philippine Islands 1493 – 1803 Vol II
The Philippine Islands 1493 – 1803 Vol III
The Philippine Islands 1493 – 1898 Vol XXXV
The Philippine Islands Vol VI
The Philippine Islands Vol LII
The Philippine Islands Vol XLVII
The Philippine Islands
The Philippines Past and Present
The Philippines Volume XV
War With Spain and Philippines1902–E715033
Under Otis in The Philippines, Or A Young officer in The Tropics
Intimate encounters : Filipina women and the remaking of rural Japan
Sin tax reform in the Philippines: transforming public finance, health, and governance for more inclusive development
Political booms : local money and power in Taiwan, East China, Thailand, and the Philippines