BBC Monitoring: Summary of World Broadcasts

Initially published as the Daily Digest of Foreign Broadcasts in August 1939 and continuing under various names until March 2001, this collection of open-source intelligence covers the period from the outbreak of World War II through the beginning of the twenty-first century.

This archive includes transcripts of global radio and television broadcasts, telegraph, and news sources translated into English and summarized by the BBC Monitoring Service.

Instructions for Remote Access

  • Log in to UPD OpenAthens and search for NewsBank database.
  • Enter ‘University of the Philippines Diliman’ when prompted for the institution.
  • Click on ‘BBC Monitoring: Summary of World Broadcasts’.

Coverage: Series 1 – 1939 to 1958

Product information: BBC Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts – Essential Global Media, 1939-2001

» Access: On campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus)