Offers instant access to the world’s premier scientific and technical references published by the CRC Press. Collection from subject areas, General Engineering, Chem Engineering, Computer Science and Enviromental Engineering is only available for access.
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List of titles:
Achieving Lean Changeover
Advanced Nanoelectronics
Advanced Risk Analysis in Engineering Enterprise Systems
Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design
Advances in Civil Engineering and Building Materials
Advances in Control and Automation of Water Systems
Advances in Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Applications in Geomechanics and Geoengineering
Advances in Ergonomics in Manufacturing
Advances in Human Aspects of Aviation
Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare
Advances in Human Aspects of Road and Rail Transportation
Advances in Industrial Heat Transfer
Advances in Machine Learning and Data Mining for Astronomy
Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and Estimation
Advances in Pavement Design through Full-scale Accelerated Pavement Testing
Advances in Protective Structures Research
Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering
Advances in Transportation Geotechnics 2
Aerosols Handbook
Aerospace Materials Handbook
Algebraic and Stochastic Coding Theory
Analysis of Synchronous Machines, Second Edition
Analytical Estimates of Structural Behavior
Application of Hydrodynamic Cavitation in Environmental Engineering
Applications of Combinatorial Matrix Theory to Laplacian Matrices of Graphs
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
Automotive Ergonomics
Biological and Medical Sensor Technologies
Biomechanics of Human Motion
Biomedical Nanosensors
Biomimetics in Photonics
Biopolymer Engineering in Food Processing
Biosensors and Molecular Technologies for Cancer Diagnostics
Biosignal Processing
Blasting in Mining – New Trends
Carbon Footprint Analysis
Changes in Flood Risk in Europe
Chemicals from Biomass
Circuit Design Techniques for Non-Crystalline Semiconductors
Clear and Concise Communications for Scientists and Engineers
Cloud Computing
Combinatorial Scientific Computing
Combinatorics of Permutations, Second Edition
Combinatorics of Set Partitions
Communication and Networking in Smart Grids
Competitive Sorption and Transport of Heavy Metals in Soils and Geological Media
Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors
Computational Finite Element Methods in Nanotechnology
Computational Modeling of Multiphase Geomaterials
Computer Security Literacy
Computer-Aided Control Systems Design
Concrete Fracture
Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III
Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials
Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2012
Continuous Time Dynamical Systems
Contrast Data Mining
Coolant Flow Instabilities in Power Equipment
CRC Handbook of Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Data of Aqueous Polymer Solutions
Creation of a Conscious Robot
Cross-Functional Productivity Improvement
Data Mining for Bioinformatics
Decision Making in Service Industries
Decontamination of Heavy Metals
Delaunay Mesh Generation
Design Engineer’s Handbook
Design for Six Sigma in Product and Service Development
Desktop Grid Computing
Developing Essbase Applications
Digital Forensics for Handheld Devices
Distributed Data Fusion for Network-Centric Operations
Distributed Sensor Networks, Second Edition
Distributed Sensor Networks, Second Edition
Distributed Sensor Networks, Second Edition, 2 Volume Set
Distributed Strategic Learning for Wireless Engineers
Dudley’s Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture, Second Edition
Dynamic RAM
Dynamics of Wheel—Soil Systems
Effective Methods for Software and Systems Integration
Electric Machines
Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, Third Edition
Electric Power Substations Engineering, Third Edition
Electric Power Systems
Electric Power Transformer Engineering, Third Edition
Electrical Impedance
Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution
Electrochemical DNA Biosensors
Electronically Scanned Arrays MATLAB® Modeling and Simulation
Electrotechnical Systems
Embedded Systems and Wireless Technology
Embedded Systems Circuits and Programming
Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing V
End to End Adaptive Congestion Control in TCP/IP Networks
Engineering Systems Integration
Ensemble Methods
Environmental Consulting Fundamentals
Environmental Contamination
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Environmental Soil Properties and Behaviour
Equipment Management in the Post-Maintenance Era
Essential Statistical Concepts for the Quality Professional
eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction
Extreme Environment Electronics
Failures in Concrete Structures
Fluid Mechanics of Environmental Interfaces, Second Edition
Foundations of Predictive Analytics
Four Point Bending
Fourier Modal Method and Its Applications in Computational Nanophotonics
Frontiers of Energy and Environmental Engineering
Fundamentals and Applications of Ultrasonic Waves, Second Edition
Fundamentals of Premixed Turbulent Combustion
Game Design Theory
Game Development for iOS with Unity3D
Game Theory in Communication Networks
Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna Waters
Gas Turbine Diagnostics
Genome Annotation
Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Optimization
Geosystems. Design Rules and Applications
Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4
Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground
Green Communications
Green Communications and Networking
Green Electronics Manufacturing
Green Mobile Devices and Networks
Greener Energy Systems
Ground Improvement, Third Edition
Groundwater Lowering in Construction
Groundwater Modeling and Management under Uncertainty
Handbook of Aseptic Processing and Packaging, Second Edition
Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Volume One
Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Volume Two
Handbook of Finite State Based Models and Applications
Handbook of Lubrication and Tribology, Volume II
Handbook of Mobile Systems Applications and Services
Handbook of Tropical Residual Soils Engineering
Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, Second Edition
Handbook on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Handbook on Soft Computing for Video Surveillance
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Signal Analysis
High Performance Visualization
History of Hydrogeology
Holographic Interferometry
Human-Robot Interaction in Social Robotics
Hybrid Anisotropic Materials for Wind Power Turbine Blades
Hydrogen Energy and Vehicle Systems
Hydrogen Safety
Image Processing
Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs
Image Restoration
Image Super-Resolution and Applications
Improving Reliability and Quality for Product Success
Information, Communication, and Space Technology
Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration
Innovative Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics
Integrated Air Quality Management
Integrated Biorefineries
Intelligent Sensor Networks
Intelligent Technologies for Web Applications
Internet-Scale Pattern Recognition
Introduction to Network Emulation
Introduction to Thermodynamics of Mechanical Fatigue
Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Fast Particles in Solids
Knowledge Management Handbook
Knowledge Service Engineering Handbook
Large-Scale Simulation
Lattice Engineering
Leadership in Chaordic Organizations
Lean Management System LMS:2012
Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems
Lightwave Engineering
Limits of Computation
Linear Programming and Algorithms for Communication Networks
LTE-Advanced Air Interface Technology
Machine-to-Machine Marketing (M3) via Anonymous Advertising Apps Anywhere Anytime (A5)
Magnetorheological Fluid Technology
Management of Hazardous Energy
Managing Organizational Knowledge
Materials in Biology and Medicine
Materials, Preparation, and Characterization in Thermoelectrics
Mathematical Optics
Mathematical Techniques for Wave Interaction with Flexible Structures
Measurement and Analysis of Blast Fragmentation
Measuring Shape
Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII
Mechanics of Residual Soils, Second Edition
Media Networks
Membrane Modification
Microfluidics and Microscale Transport Processes
Micromanufacturing Processes
Mineral Admixtures in Cement and Concrete
Mineralogy for Petrologists
Mobile Communications Handbook, Third Edition
Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems
Model-Based Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems
Modeling of Responsive Supply Chain
Modules, Systems, and Applications in Thermoelectrics
Motor Fleet Safety and Security Management, Second Edition
Multihomed Communication with SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
Multimedia Communications and Networking
Multimedia Image and Video Processing, Second Edition
Multimedia Security
Multiobjective Optimization Methodology
Multiple-Base Number System
Nanofabrication Handbook
Nanoparticle Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
Networked Multisensor Decision and Estimation Fusion
Neuroadaptive Systems
New Directions of Modern Cryptography
Next-Generation Batteries and Fuel Cells for Commercial, Military, and Space Applications
Noise Mapping in the EU
Noiseless Steganography
Non-stationary Electromagnetics
Nonlinear Optimal Control Theory
Occupational Ergonomics
Oceanography and Marine Biology
Open Systems Dependability
OpenGL Insights
Optical Materials and Applications
Optical Nano and Micro Actuator Technology
Optical Properties of Photonic Structures
Optical Wireless Communications
Optical, Acoustic, Magnetic, and Mechanical Sensor Technologies
Optimal Control for Chemical Engineers
Optochemical Nanosensors
Organic Compounds in Soils, Sediments & Sludges
Paradoxes in Scientific Inference
Particle Technology and Applications
Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers, Third Edition
Perceptual Digital Imaging
Performance of Explosives and New Developments
Performance-Based Fire Engineering of Structures
Piezoelectric Materials and Devices
Post-Disaster Reconstruction and Change
Power Converters and AC Electrical Drives with Linear Neutral Networks
Power Electronics and Control Techniques for Maximum Energy Harvesting in Photovoltaic Systems
Power System Stability and Control, Third Edition
Power Systems, Third Edition
Power Vacuum Tubes Handbook, Third Edition
Practical Engineering Geology
Practical Project Management for Building and Construction
Predictive Hydrology
Preparing NEPA Environmental Assessments
Principles of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
Process Validation in Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals, Third Edition
Production Volume Rendering
Program Management
Programming GPS and OpenStreetMap Applications with Java
Project Development in the Solar Industry
Project Management Concepts, Methods, and Techniques
Projects and Complexity
Rail Human Factors around the World
Rammed Earth Conservation
Real-Time Embedded Systems
Real-Time Simulation Technologies
Reinforced Concrete Structural Reliability
Relentless Improvement
Reliability and Maintenance
Reliability Models for Engineers and Scientists
Remanufacturing Modeling and Analysis
Renewable Energy Systems
Resilience and Urban Risk Management
River Flow 2012
Rock Fragmentation by Blasting
Safety and Human Error in Engineering Systems
Security for Wireless Sensor Networks using Identity-Based Cryptography
Seismic Performance of Concrete Buildings
Self-Consolidating Concrete
Service-Oriented Distributed Knowledge Discovery
Shadow Algorithms Data Miner
Shipboard Propulsion, Power Electronics, and Ocean Energy
Shock Wave Dynamics
Signal and Image Processing for Remote Sensing, Second Edition
Signal Processing in Radar Systems
Smart Grids
Solar and Infrared Radiation Measurements
Specialty Construction Techniques for Dam and Levee Remediation
SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Third Edition
Statistical Techniques for Project Control
Stem Cell Engineering
Strain-Engineered MOSFETs
Structural Analysis of Regular Multi-Storey Buildings
Super-High-Strength High Performance Concrete
Support Vector Machines
Sustainable Solid Waste Management
Systems Engineering and Architecting
Systems Science
Technical Documentation and Process
Technological Advances in Interactive Collaborative Learning
The Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup, Third Edition
The Chemistry and Technology of Coal, Third Edition
The Circuits and Filters Handbook, Third Edition
The Fukushima 2011 Disaster
The Internet of Things in the Cloud
The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion Handbook, Second Edition
The Lean 3P Advantage
The Metabolism of Arsenite
The Practical OPNET User Guide for Computer Network Simulation
The Psychology of Lean Improvements
The Right Light
The Science of Footwear
The Sustainable Use of Concrete
Theory and Approaches of Unascertained Group Decision-Making
Theory and Practice of Pile Foundations
Theory of Gearing
Thermal Food Processing
Thermoelectrics and its Energy Harvesting, 2 Volume Set
Transformer Engineering
Transmission Techniques for 4G Systems
Transport of multiple Escherichia coli strains in saturated porous media
Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering
True Triaxial Testing of Rocks
Tubular Structures XIV
Tunneling in Rock by Drilling and Blasting
TV Content Analysis
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing of Materials
Ultrawideband Radar
Valorization of Food Processing By-Products
Value Engineering Synergies with Lean Six Sigma
Vistas in Nanofabrication
Water, Agriculture and the Environment in Spain
Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Improvement for Existing Homes
Wicking in Porous Materials
Wide-Band Slow-Wave Systems
Wind Energy Systems
Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks
XML in Scientific Computing