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Filipiniana eBooks collection hosted by EBSCOHost.
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List of titles:

Filipininana eBooks
Amazons of the Huk Rebellion : Gender, Sex, and Revolution in the Philippines
Battle of Surigao Strait
The Battle of Bataan a complete history
The Blood of Government : Race, Empire, the United States, & the Philippines
Chinese and Chinese mestizos of Manila family, identity, and culture, 1860s-1930s
Colorado’s Volunteer Infantry in the Philippine Wars, 1898-1899
Counter-guerrilla Operations : The Philippine Experience
Cultures of Disaster : Society and Natural Hazards in the Philippines
Dream Factories of a Former Colony : American Fantasies, Philippine Cinema
The Economy of the Philippines : Elites, Inequalities and Economic Restructuring
Fantasy-production : Sexual Economies and Other Philippine Consequences for the New World Order
Final hours in the Pacific the Allied surrenders of Wake Island, Bataan, Corregidor, Hong Kong, and Singapore
Food of the world.
Infectious Diseases of the Philippines
An intercultural theology of migration pilgrims in the wilderness
The language of outsourced call centers a corpus-based study of cross-cultural interaction
Language Policy and Modernity in Southeast Asia : Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand
Liberation Theology in the Philippines : Faith in a Revolution
Made in the Philippines : Gendered Discourses and the Making of Migrants
Mining and Natural Hazard Vulnerability in the Philippines : Digging to Development or Digging to Disaster?
Mixed Blessing : The Impact of the American Colonial Experience on Politics and Society in the Philippines
Musical Renderings of the Philippine Nation
Nongovernmental Organizations in Enviromental Struggles : Politics and Making Moral Capital in the Philippines
Old Catholic and Philippine Independent Ecclesiologies in History : The Catholic Church in Every Place
Philippine English : Linguistic and Literary Perspectives
The Philippines : Mobilities, Identities, Globalization
Republic of the Philippines and U.S. relations
Skills for the labor market in the Philippines
The social cancer Noli me tangere
Uncultural Behavior : An Anthropological Investigation of Suicide in the Southern Philippines
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College of Architecture eBooks
Log-in credentials available at the College of Architecture Library (ebooks may only be accessed by one user at a time)
The Access Manual: Designing, Auditing and Managing Inclusive Built Environments
Advanced Building Technologies for Sustainability
Applying the ADA: Designing for The 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design in Multiple Building Types
Architect’s Brain: Neuroscience, Creativity, and Architecture
Architect’s handbook of professional practice, 15th ed.
Architectural Design and Regulation
Architectural Graphic Standards, student ed.
Architectural Research Methods
Architecture of First Societies: A Global Perspective
The Architecture of Transgression
Building Construction Illustrated
Building Services Design Management
Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design
Building Type Basics for College and University Facilities. 2nd ed.
Building Type Basics for Senior Living. 2nd ed.
Designing Rainwater Harvesting Systems
Designing with Light: the Art, Science and Practice of Architectural Lighting Design
Digital Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Contemporary Techniques and Tools for Digital Representation in Site Design
Drawing and Reinventing Landscape, AD Primer
Drawing Architecture
Drawing the Landscape
Exterior Building Enclosures: Design Process and Composition for Innovative Facades
Fundamentals of Residential Construction. 3rd ed.
Grain Dust Dreams
Graphic Standards Field Guide to Residential Construction
Graphic Standards Field Guide to Softscape
Green Building Illustrated
Interior Graphic Standards: Student Edition. 2nd Edition.
Language of Space and Form: Generative Terms for Architecture
Livable Communities for Aging Populations: Urban Design for Longevity
Maintaining and Repairing Old and Historic Buildings
Natural Ventilation of Buildings: Theory, Measurement and Design
Net Zero Energy Design: A Guide for Commercial Architecture
Planning and Urban Design Standards. Student Edition.
Plumbing, Electricity, Acoustics: Sustainable Design Methods for Architecture
The SketchUp Workflow for Architecture: Modeling Buildings, Visualizing Design, and Creating Construction Documents with SketchUp Pro and LayOut
Solar Energy: Technologies and Project Delivery for Buildings
Structural Glass Facades and Enclosures
Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design Strategies. 3rd ed.
Sustainable Building Adaptation: Innovations in Decision-making
Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces
College of Fine Arts eBooks
Access option available at the Fine Arts Library
List of titles and book covers — links to follow.
August 2018 new titles —