Consolidated ebooks acquired by ISaIS, School of Economics Library, and College of Law Library. Access available through UPD OpenAthens account.
List of titles:
- Sustainable development and International environmental law.
- Corruption in public administration : an ethnographic approach.
- Global Environmental governance, technology and politics : the anthropocene gap
- Decentralization in developing countries : global perspectives on the obstacle to fiscal devolution.
- The handbook of globalisation.
- Cultural property law and the restitution of cultural property : a commentary to international conventions and European Union law.
- Intellectual property, agriculture and global food security.
- International economic law, globalization and developing countries.
- Payments for environment services, forest conservation and climate change.
- The new political economy of Southeast Asia.
- Climate change policies : global challenges and future prospects.
- Asia rising: Growth and resilience in an uncertain global economy.
- Famous figures and diagrams in economics.
- Applied evolutionary economics : new empirical methods and simulation techniques.
- The Handbook of human resource management policies and practice in Southeast Asia economies.
- A dictionary of intellectual property law.
- International handbook of local and regional government : a comparative analysis of advanced democracies.
- Handbook on multi-level governance.
- Beyond the Asian crisis : pathways to sustainable growth.