Our license key to Ezproxy has expired as of March 2021. The Ezproxy website is down and the instructions below no longer work. This page is kept intact for documentation purposes only.
For remote access to UPD Library online subscriptions, please refer to the OpenAthens page.
The University Library announced the soft launching of the new Remote Access for UP Diliman Electronic Resources via EZProxy on 7 November 2017 during the Koleksyong Filipiniana: Pinakamahusay na mga Pamamaraan forum. EZproxy is a web proxy software that enables the user to gain remote access to UP Diliman Electronic Resources (except college-based databases) via a one-time login. This service is on BETA TESTING.
Click the button below to start:
- Login with your DILNET (iLib, CRS, UVLê) username and password.
- Select the electronic database you wish to access.
- If you do not have a DilNet account
- Invalid account
- Security certificate
- Failed – network error
- File missing: docs/suspend.htm
If you do not have a DilNet account
You need a DilNet account to access online library services like Ezproxy. If you do not have a DilNet account, please follow this flowchart from the DilNet helpdesk regarding the registration of DilNet account.

Invalid account
- Check if your iLib account is active. Log-in to ilib.upd.edu.ph then try logging into the EZproxy website again. If you cannot login to iLib or EZproxy, proceed to step 2
- Check if you are properly tagged as enrolled. Log-in to crs.upd.edu.ph. If unsuccessful, contact the UP Office of Admissions at local 4555.
- Check if your DilNet account is active. Log-in to mail.upd.edu.ph. If unsuccessful or your username is still a student number, call UP Computer Center at local 2050.
- Visit your College Library and have them check if your iLib account is active via the Circulations module. If inactive, the librarian in-charge has to call the Main Library Data Center at local 2864 and request for activation.
If all of this has already been accomplished but you are still unable to access EZproxy, visit your College Library and have the librarian in-charge call the Main Library Data Center to request for assistance.
Security certificate
If you encounter an issue wherein the web browsers blocks access to databases using the secured HTTP (HTTPS) protocol via EZproxy, please follow these steps:
For GOOGLE CHROME: Dealing with “Privacy Error”
1. Click “Advanced”.
2. Click “Proceed to… (unsafe)”.
For FIREFOX: Dealing with “Insecure Connection”
1. Click “Advanced”.
2. Click “Add Exception…”.
3. Optional: Check or uncheck “Permanently store this exception”.
4. Click: “Confirm Security Exception”.
Failed – Network Error
If you encounter an issue wherein Google Chrome or Chronium-based browsers (Brave, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivaldi) blocks downloading PDFs and the message in the download bar shows ‘Failed – Network error’, try accessing the download using the Firefox browser.
You may also click the Print button on Chrome while you are viewing the PDF and select Save to PDF.
File missing: docs/suspend.htm
The error message “File missing: docs/suspend.htm” is displayed when a user downloads excessive amounts of material in a short span of time. These restrictions in our proxy server prevent excessive automated downloading or other spoof mechanisms and are necessary because of our license agreement with vendors.
When you see this message, it means you have exceeded the downloading limit allowance of 200 MB per 2 hours. Generally, you can opt to wait for about 2 hours for your connection to be restored.
We love to hear your feedback on this service. Please contact us via email at libraryinfo.updiliman@up.edu.ph or via telephone no. 8-981-8500 local 2861 (Information Services and Instruction Section).