Fees and Fines

  1. Research Fee, Use of Library Equipment, Energy Fee
  2. Printing, Scanning and Microfilm Conversion Services
  3. Fines

Research Fee, Use of Library Equipment, Energy Fee

Research Fee
UP students, faculty, REPS & administrative staff – Free
Residency without library fee – P20/day
Alumni researchers – First five visits free; afterwards P20/day
Government researchers – P20/day
Private researchers/Students from other schools – P50/day

Use of Library Equipment Fee (Computer, MCF Reader)
UP students, faculty, REPS & administrative staff – Free
Residency without library fee – P50/hour
Alumni researchers – P50/hour
Government researchers – P50/hour
Private researchers/Students from other schools – P50/hour

*For use of library equipment fee, a fraction is considered an hour

Energy Fee
UP students, faculty, REPS & administrative staff – Free
Residency without library fee – P50/hour
Alumni researchers – P50/hour
Government researchers – P50/hour
Private researchers/Students from other schools – P50/hour

*For energy fee, a fraction is considered an hour

Printing, Scanning, and Microfilm Conversion Services

Computer Print-outs

UP students, faculty, REPS & administrative staff – P20/page
Non-UP and alumni – P30/page

Black & White
UP students, faculty, REPS & administrative staff – P4/page
Non-UP and alumni – P10/page

*Self-serve Printing temporary not available at the Main Library


UP students, faculty, REPS & administrative staff – P5/page
Non-UP and alumni – P5/page

*Available at selected libraries only

Microfilm Conversion

UP students, faculty, REPS & administrative staff – P4/image
Non-UP and alumni – P10/image

Resource on Demand Fees


Failure to Return a Circulation Book. Any person who fails to return any book open to general circulation on its due date or after recall shall pay a fine of Php2.00 a day, exclusive of Sundays and holidays.

Failure to Return a Reserve Book. Any person who fails to return a reserve book shall pay a fine according to the following schedule: For the first hour or a fraction thereof after the hour appointed for return, one peso (Php1.00); for each hour after the first, five pesos (Php5.00); for each full day, fifty pesos (Php50.00). A second offense within a semester shall automatically suspend/curtail this privilege for the rest of the semester or summer.

Withdrawal of a Reserve Book Without Reservation Permit. Any person who draws out a reserve book for overnight use without an approved reservation shall pay a fine of Php50.00. The library privilege to borrow from the reserve collections shall be suspended for two weeks on the second offense.

Failure to Return a General Reference Book and Other Restricted Materials Borrowed for Photocopying Purposes. A person who fails to return a general reference book and other restricted materials borrowed for photocopying purposes shall pay a fine of Php50.00, on the second offense the person shall have his library privileges suspended for one week.

Updated 23 January 2025