Enrolled Students and current Faculty and Staff can borrow books from the different constituent universities and satellite campuses.
Constituent Universities
- University of the Philippines Baguio
- University of the Philippines Diliman
- University of the Philippines Los Baños
- University of the Philippines Manila
- University of the Philippines Visayas
- University of the Philippines Cebu
- University of the Philippines Mindanao
- University of the Philippines Open University
Satellite Campuses
- University of the Philippines Diliman Extension Program in Pampanga
- University of the Philippines Diliman Extension Program in Olongapo
- University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
- University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences in Leyte
- University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences in Aurora
- University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences in Koronadal City, South Cotabato
For UP Diliman University Library:
- Before going to any library in Diliman, go to the Main Library and request for an iLib account from the Information Technology Division (Basement inside Filipiniana Section).
- You may also ask your college librarian to request an account for you.
- Bring your valid ID and borrower’s card issued by your college library.
- Search the catalog or WebOPAC at http://ilib.upd.edu.ph
- Note the title, author, call number, location and status of the book.
- Take note of your Borrowing Privileges. Example: Undergraduate: If you borrowed 2 books from your campus, you are allowed to borrow 3 books from any libraries in Diliman.
- You can visit the library and borrow books from Mondays to Saturdays. See the library hours for more information.
- To borrow a book, you must fill out the book card.
- Present the book card and the book to be borrowed together with your countersigned ID and borrower’s card to the Circulation Counter Staff.
- The Circulation Counter Staff will check out the books in the iLib database and stamp the due date on the book due date slip.
- Always remember to return the book on the due date to avoid any overdue fees.
For UP Los Baños Main Library
- You can visit the UPLB Main Library and borrow books from Monday – Saturday, 8:00Am – 5:00 PM.
- Take note of your Borrowing Privileges. Example: Undergraduate: If you borrowed 3 books from any library in UP Diliman, you are allowed to borrow 2 books.
- Go to the UPLB Main Library website at www.library.uplb.edu.ph
- Search the UPLB catalog or WebOPAC at http://ilib.uplb.edu.ph
- Note the title, author, call number, location and status of the book.
- At the UPLB Main Library, get the book(s), fill up the book card with your full name, student number and college/campus and proceed to the section’s circulation counter.
- Present the book card and the book to be borrowed together with your countersigned ID to the Circulation Counter Staff.
- You will be asked to login to your UPD iLib account to verify the number of books you borrowed. The Circulation Counter Staff will check your iLib E-Library card. Go to http://ilib.upd.edu.ph and login using your UP webmail/CRS account.
- The Circulation Counter Staff will asked the Computer Services & Multimedia Collections Section (Basement Extension, UPLB Main Library) to give you a UPLB iLib account. For more information and assistance, look for Mary Ann M. Ingua.
- The Circulation Counter Staff will check out the books in the iLib database and stamp the due date on the book due date slip.
- Always remember to return the book on the due date to avoid any overdue fees.