How to borrow books if you are from other UP Campuses?

Enrolled Students and current Faculty and Staff can borrow books from the different constituent universities and satellite campuses.

Constituent Universities

  1. University of the Philippines Baguio
  2. University of the Philippines Diliman               
  3. University of the Philippines Los Baños
  4. University of the Philippines Manila
  5. University of the Philippines Visayas
  6. University of the Philippines Cebu
  7. University of the Philippines Mindanao
  8. University of the Philippines Open University

Satellite Campuses

  1. University of the Philippines Diliman Extension Program in Pampanga
  2. University of the Philippines Diliman Extension Program in Olongapo
  3. University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
  4. University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences in Leyte
  5. University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences in Aurora
  6. University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences in Koronadal City, South Cotabato

For UP Diliman University Library:

  1. Before going to any library in Diliman, go to the Main Library and request for an iLib account from the Information Technology Division (Basement inside Filipiniana Section).
  2. You may also ask your college librarian to request an account for you.
  3. Bring your valid ID and borrower’s card issued by your college library.
  4. Search the catalog or WebOPAC at
  5. Note the title, author, call number, location and status of the book.
  6. Take note of your Borrowing Privileges. Example: Undergraduate: If you borrowed 2 books from your campus, you are allowed to borrow 3 books from any libraries in Diliman.
  7. You can visit the library and borrow books from Mondays to Saturdays. See the library hours for more information.
  8. To borrow a book, you must fill out the book card.
  9. Present the book card and the book to be borrowed together with your countersigned ID and borrower’s card to the Circulation Counter Staff.
  10. The Circulation Counter Staff will check out the books in the iLib database and stamp the due date on the book due date slip.
  11. Always remember to return the book on the due date to avoid any overdue fees.

For UP Los Baños Main Library

  1. You can visit the UPLB Main Library and borrow books from  Monday – Saturday, 8:00Am – 5:00 PM.
  2. Take note of your Borrowing Privileges. Example: Undergraduate: If you borrowed 3 books from any library in UP Diliman, you are allowed to borrow 2 books.
  3. Go to the UPLB Main Library website at
  4. Search the UPLB catalog or WebOPAC at
  5. Note the title, author, call number, location and status of the book.
  6. At the UPLB Main Library, get the book(s), fill up the book card with your full name, student number and college/campus and proceed to the section’s circulation counter.
  7. Present the book card and the book to be borrowed together with your countersigned ID to the Circulation Counter Staff.
  8. You will be asked to login to your UPD iLib account to verify the number of books you borrowed. The Circulation Counter Staff will check your iLib E-Library card. Go to and login using your UP webmail/CRS account.
  9. The Circulation Counter Staff will asked the Computer Services & Multimedia Collections Section (Basement Extension, UPLB Main Library) to give you a UPLB iLib account. For more information and assistance, look for Mary Ann M. Ingua.
  10. The Circulation Counter Staff will check out the books in the iLib database and stamp the due date on the book due date slip.
  11. Always remember to return the book on the due date to avoid any overdue fees.