EXTENDED READING allows readers to use the requested item/s beyond 05:00 PM up to 12:00 MN during weekdays at the Information Services and Instruction Section (ISaIS, formerly General Reference Section/GenRef). Books, serials, and theses and dissertations from other sections of the Main Library and the UP School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) Library, all which are closed at 5:00PM, may be requested for extended reading.
To place a request for extended reading, send an email to the ISaIS at libraryinfo.updiliman@up.edu.ph, mentioning information related to the material. For books and theses: title, author, date and place of publication, call number, and location. For serials: title of serial publication, volume and issue number, and date of publication. Please check the iLib WebOPAC at http://ilib.upd.edu.ph to get the bibliographic information of the library materials you wish to borrow.
Requests are processed within the same day. Please submit requests before 04:45 PM to let the staff prepare the material for transfer to ISaIS. Claiming of materials for extended reading are at the ISaIS Reference Desk.
You may also send a phone-in request by calling the Main Library section/SLIS Library (where the material you will be requesting is housed). You may also personally visit the section concerned to place a request.