Request for Extended Reading / Check-In and Check-out

EXTENDED READING allows readers to use the requested item/s beyond 05:00 PM up to 12:00 MN during weekdays at the Information Services and Instruction Section (ISaIS, formerly General Reference Section/GenRef). Books, serials, and theses and dissertations from other sections of the Main Library and the UP School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) Library, all which are closed at 5:00PM, may be requested for extended reading.

To place a request for extended reading, send an email to the ISaIS at, mentioning information related to the material. For books and theses: title, author, date and place of publication, call number, and location. For serials: title of serial publication, volume and issue number, and date of publication. Please check the Tuklas, UP’s resource discovery tool at to get the bibliographic information of the library materials you wish to borrow.

Requests are processed within the same day. Please submit requests before 04:45 PM to let the staff prepare the material for transfer to ISaIS. Claiming of materials for extended reading are at the ISaIS Reference Desk.

You may also send a phone-in request by calling the Main Library section/SLIS Library (where the material you will be requesting is housed). You may also personally visit the section concerned to place a request.