SciVal offers quick, easy access to research performance of more than 19,400 research institutions and their associated researchers from 231 nations worldwide.
Access: On campus within UP Diliman, or Domain-based Access (see below)
To avail of the remote access to ScienceDirect (SD), Scopus and SciVal databases, please follow these steps:
If you do not have a Elsevier account yet, please register first.
- Go to the ScienceDirect website
- Click Register at the upper right corner.
- Enter your account information. For the email, you are required use an email address that ends with one of the following:
Once you have registered, you may proceed to enable remote access for your Elsevier account.
- Go the SD remote access page
- Enter the same UP Mail address you used for registration.
- Check your UP Mail inbox for a confirmation email with the subject ScienceDirect – Remote access request confirmation. Look into your Spam folder if you do not see the email.
After confirmation, whenever you visit to SD, Scopus or SciVal you will now see a UP badge at the top of the screen (Brought to you by University of the Philippines). This indicates that you are using the UP Library remote access. You can now login to SD, Scopus or SciVal from outside UP campus.