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Europa World is a meticulously researched global resource. It provides political, economic and statistical information on over 250 countries, territories, and also on international and regional organizations. The Europa World Year Book was first published in 1926 and, together with nine Regional Surveys of the World, is renowned as one of the world’s leading reference works.
Key features
Authoritative information on every country, providing context for the world’s major political and economic developments.
Up-to-date government lists and recent election results for every country in the world.
The ability to directly compare national statistics in graph and tabular form.
Coverage of 2,000 international organizations, commissions, and specialized bodies.
Topical essays and commodity overviews for major regions of the world.
Current and comprehensive statistical and directory data for all countries and territories.
Impartial coverage of issues of national and regional importance from acknowledged experts.
A directory of major political figures with biographical information and facts.
Sophisticated search and browse functions allowing enhanced accessibility to data-rich content.