From the Filipiniana Books Section: Newly-acquired perpetual e-books via DeGruyter platform accessible through UPD OpenAthens account.
December 2023 titles (26)
- ASEAN Centrality: An Autoethnographic Account by a Philippine Diplomat
- Ay-Inversion in Tagalog: Information Structure and Morphosyntax of an Austronesian Language
- Bayanihan and Belonging: Filipinos and Religion in Canada
- Beauty Regimes: A History of Power and Modern Empire in the Philippines, 1898-1941
- Caring for the ‘Holy Land’: Filipina Domestic Workers in Israel
- Crip Colony: Mestizaje, US Imperialism, and the Queer Politics of Disability in the Philippines
- Dangerous Intercourse: Gender and Interracial Relations in the American Colonial Philippines, 1898-1946
- Diasporic Cold Warriors: Nationalist China, Anticommunism, and the Philippine Chinese, 1930s-1970s
- Ethnography in the Raw: Life in a Luzon Village
- Filipinx American Studies: Reckoning, Reclamation, Transformation
- Importing Care, Faithful Service: Filipino and Indian American Nurses at a Veterans Hospital
- Jewish Identities in East and Southeast Asia: Singapore, Manila, Taipei, Harbin, Shanghai, Rangoon, and Surabaya
- Leandro Valencia Locsin: Filipino architect
- Migrant Returns: Manila, Development, and Transnational Connectivity
- Philippine Digital Cultures: Brokerage Dynamics on YouTube
- Postcolonial Configurations: Dictatorship, the Racial Cold War, and Filipino America
- Slum Imaginaries and Spatial Justice in Philippine Cinema
- Tagalog Verb Dictionary
- The Filipino Migration Experience: Global Agents of Change
- The Force of Domesticity: Filipina Migrants and Globalization
- Transnational Families, Migration and Gender: Moroccan and Filipino Women in Bologna and Barcelona
- Transpacific Femininities: The Making of the Modern Filipina
- Urban Ecologies on the Edge: Making Manila’s Resource Frontier
- Women’s Movements and the Filipina: 1986-2008
- The Making of the Modern Philippines: Pieces of a Jigsaw State
- Urban Ecclesiology: Gospel of Mark, Familia Dei and a Filipino Community Facing Homelessness
April 2022 titles (77)
- A Changeless Land: Continuity and Change in Philippine Politics
- A Generation Later: Household Strategies and Economic Change in the Rural Philippines
- A Nation in the Making: The Philippines and the United States, 1899-1921
- American Imperial Pastoral: The Architecture of US Colonialism in the Philippines
- American Workers, Colonial Power: Philippine Seattle and the Transpacific West, 1919-1941
- Asian Place, Filipino Nation: A Global Intellectual History of the Philippine Revolution, 1887-1912
- Barons, Brokers, and Buyers: The Institutions and Cultures of Philippine Sugar
- Benevolent Assimilation: The American Conquest of the Philippines, 1899-1903
- Beyond the Nation: Diasporic Filipino Literature and Queer Reading
- Body, Movement, and Culture: Kinesthetic and Visual Symbolism in a Philippine Community
- Building Diaspora: Filipino Cultural Community Formation on the Internet
- Child of War: A Memoir of World War II Internment in the Philippines
- Cities and Nationhood: American Imperialism and Urban Design in the Philippines, 1898-1916
- City of Screens: Imagining Audiences in Manila’s Alternative Film Culture
- Conquest and Pestilence in the Early Spanish Philippines
- Culture and Fertility: The Case of the Philippines
- Cutting Across the Lands: An Annotated Bibliography on Natural Resource Management and Community Development in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia
- Depletion of the Forest Resources in the Philippines
- Economic Change, Social Structure and the Political System in Southeast Asia: Philippine Development Compared with the Other ASEAN Countries
- Empire’s Proxy: American Literature and U.S. Imperialism in the Philippines
- Ethnicity and Fertility in the Philippines
- Faith, Family, and Filipino American Community Life
- Faithful to Secularism: The Religious Politics of Democracy in Ireland, Senegal, and the Philippines
- Figures of Criminality in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Colonial Vietnam
- Filipino American Faith in Action: Immigration, Religion, and Civic Engagement
- Filipino Primitive, The: Accumulation and Resistance in the American Museum
- Filipino Studies: Palimpsests of Nation and Diaspora
- Filipino Time: Affective Worlds and Contracted Labor
- Filipinos in Canada: Disturbing Invisibility
- Freedom Incorporated: Anticommunism and Philippine Independence in the Age of Decolonization
- Frontier Constitutions: Christianity and Colonial Empire in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines
- Global Borderlands: Fantasy, Violence, and Empire in Subic Bay, Philippines
- Home Bound: Filipino American Lives across Cultures, Communities, and Countries
- Human Rights and State Security: Indonesia and the Philippines
- In Pursuit of Progress: Narratives of Development on a Philippine Island
- In the Name of Civil Society: From Free Election Movements to People Power in the Philippines
- Indonesia and the Philippines: American Interests in Island Southeast Asia
- Investing in Miracles: El Shaddai and the Transformation of Popular Catholicism in the Philippines
- Language Teacher Recognition: Narratives of Filipino English Teachers in Japan
- Legions of Boom: Filipino American Mobile DJ Crews in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Legislative History of America’s Economic Policy Toward the Philippines
- Local Knowledge and Agricultural Decision Making in the Philippines: Class, Gender, and Resistance
- MacArthur in Asia: The General and His Staff in the Philippines, Japan, and Korea
- Marcos Against the Church: Economic Development and Political Repression in the Philippines
- Marketing Dreams, Manufacturing Heroes: The Transnational Labor Brokering of Filipino Workers
- Mother Figured: Marian Apparitions and the Making of a Filipino Universal
- Muslim Rulers and Rebels: Everyday Politics and Armed Separatism in the Southern Philippines
- Natural Resources, Economic Development and the State: The Philippine Experience
- Oil Discovery and Technical Change in Southeast Asia: Politics of Oil in the Philippines
- On the Road to Tribal Extinction: Depopulation, Deculturation, and Adaptive Well-Being among the Batak of the Philippines
- Philippine Agrarian Policy Today: Implementation and Political Impact
- Philippine Agrarian Reform 1880 – 1965
- Philippine and Chamorro Linguistics Before the Advent of Structuralism
- Philippine Freedom, 1946-1958
- Philippine Worldview
- Places for Happiness: Community, Self, and Performance in the Philippines
- Problems of Filipino Settlers
- Puro Arte: Filipinos on the Stages of Empire
- Raiding, Trading, and Feasting: The Political Economy of Philippine Chiefdoms
- Securing Paradise: Tourism and Militarism in Hawai’i and the Philippines
- State of the Nation: Philippines
- Statebuilding by Imposition: Resistance and Control in Colonial Taiwan and the Philippines
- Taste of Control: Food and the Filipino Colonial Mentality Under American Rule
- The Filipino Piecemeal Sugar Strike of 1924-1925
- The Jesuits in the Philippines, 1581- 1768
- The Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race
- The Philippine Economy: No Longer the East Asian Exception?
- The Philippine Republic
- The Philippine State and the Marcos Regime: The Politics of Export
- The Revolution Falters: The Left in Philippine Politics after 1986
- The Third Asiatic Invasion: Empire and Migration in Filipino America, 1898-1946
- The Way of the Cross: Suffering Selfhoods in the Roman Catholic Philippines
- Things Fall Away: Philippine Historical Experience and the Makings of Globalization
- Tropical Renditions: Making Musical Scenes in Filipino America
- Unbending Cane: Pablo Manlapit, a Filipino Labor Leader in Hawaii
- Unequal Alliance: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Philippines
- Union by Law: Filipino American Labor Activists, Rights Radicalism, and Racial Capitalism