Established in Singapore since 2005, iG Publishing works with more than 100 reputable publishers to represent their brands. The company is the leading provider of eBook collections in the region with over 40,000 titles covering all disciplines. iG publishing is growing its online resources to meet emerging needs and embracing innovative and new technologies to deliver relevant and timely content to readers at home, in colleges and universities and in the workplace.
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List of titles (requires OpenAthens login):
10 steps to successful meetings
10 Steps to successful teams
10 steps to successful training
101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees
201 Knockout Answers to Tough Interview Questions
A new history of classical rhetoric
A Practitioner’s Guide to Public Relations Research, Measurement, and Evaluation
A real van Gogh: how the art world struggles with truth
A room where the Star-Spangled Banner cannot be heard: a novel in three parts
A scholar’s path: an anthology of classical Chinese poems and prose of Chen Qing Shan – a pioneer writer of Malayan-Singapore literature
A University for the 21st Century
Abortion in Asia: local dilemmas, global politics (fertility, reproduction, and sexuality)
Acting in the night : Macbeth and the places of the Civil War
ADHD and Social Skills
Adolescent pregnancy: policy and prevention services, second edition
Ads to Icons
Advanced techniques for counseling and psychotherapy
An Overview of the Public Relations Function
Aptitude, Personality and Motivation Tests
Art Without Borders: A Philosophical Exploration of Art and Humanity
Assistive technologies and other supports for people with brain impairment
ASTD’s ultimate train-the-trainer: a complete guide to training success
Attack of the difficult poems: essays and inventions
Be a great boss. Catherine Hakala-Ausperk
Best Practices in Infection Prevention and Control: An International Perspective, 2nd ed.
Betrayal and other acts of subversion: feminism, sexual politics, Asian American women’s literature
Bringing History to Life
Building a buzz: libraries and word-of-mouth marketing.
Building bridges: connecting faculty, students, and the college library.
Business Planning and Entrepreneurship: An Accounting Approach
Cataloging correctly for kids: an introduction to the tools. Sheila I. Intner, Joanna F. Fountain. 5th ed
Checklist of library building design considerations. fifth edition
Children’s Theater
Classic Arabic stories: an anthology
Clinical Manual for the Psychiatric Interview of Children and Adolescents
Clinical Manual for Treatment of Alcoholism and Addictions
Clinical manual of adolescent substance abuse treatment
Clinical Manual of Couples and Family Therapy
Clinical Manual of Sexual Disorders
Coaching in the library: a management strategy for achieving excellence. 2nd ed
Communicate to Win
Communications Skills for Project Managers
Conflict 101: a manager’s guide to resolving problems so everyone can get back to work
Contemporary Arab broadcast media
Corporate Communication: Tactical Guidelines for Strategic Practice
Countdown to a new library: managing the building project. 2nd ed
CRC examination preparation: a concise guide to rehabilitation counseling certification
Creating training manuals
Creativity in Public Relations
Critical children: the use of childhood in ten great novels
Designing & conducting ethnographic research: an introduction, second edition
Designing space for children and teens in libraries and public places
Develop Your PR Skills
Developing an outstanding core collection: a guide for libraries. 2nd ed
Disabilities and Disorders in Literature for Youth
Disability across the developmental life span: for the rehabilitation counselor
Dostoyevsky’s Stalker and Other Essays on Psychopathology and the Arts
DSM-IV-TR® Casebook and Treatment Guide for Child Mental Health
Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics in Molecular Systems
Empty houses: theatrical failure and the novel
Engage your workforce
Envisioning media power
Essential radio journalism: how to produce and present radio news
Essentials of Personality Disorders
Executive Writing Skills for Managers
Fairy tales from before fairy tales: the medieval latin past of wonderful lies
Fateful beauty: aesthetic environments, juvenile development, and literature, 1860-1960
Figuring rural development: concepts and cases of land use, sustainability, and integrative indicators
Five Fictions in Search of Truth
Fundamentals of Writing for Marketing and Public Relations: A Step-by-Step Guide for Quick and Effective Results
Hamlet’s Arab journey: Shakespeare’s prince and Nasser’s ghost
Historical Dictionary of African American Theater
Historical Dictionary of French Theater
Historical Dictionary of Modern Chinese Literature
Historical Dictionary of Modern Japanese Literature and Theater
Historical Dictionary of Postwar German Literature
How many languages do we need?: the economics of linguistic diversity
How the best leaders lead: proven secrets to getting the most out of yourself and others
How to sound clever: master the 600 everyday words you pretend to understand…when you don’t
How to Study Art Worlds: On the Societal Functioning of Aesthetic Values
How to Tell Anyone Anything
How to Write Effective Business English
How to Write Fast Under Pressure
In the words of the winners: the Newberry and Caldecott Medals 2001-2010. Association for Library Service to Child
Innovations in educational psychology: perspectives on learning, teaching, and human development
Integrating the expressive arts into counseling practice: theory-based interventions
Intellectual freedom manual. Office for Intellectual Freedom
Interlibrary loan practices handbook. 3rd ed
International Assessment of Research and Development in Catalysis by Nanostructured Materials
International handbook of play therapy: advances in assessment, theory, research, and practice
International Social Entrepreneurship: Pathways to Personal and Corporate Impact
Introducing RDA: a guide to the basics
James Baldwin: America and beyond
Kafka’s Creatures
Kissing architecture
Language teaching: linguistic theory in practice
Leadership development basics (ASTD training basics series)
Leadership under Pressure
Leading Schools During Crisis
Lectures on Advanced Mathematical Methods for Physicists
Licensing digital content: a practical guide for librarians. Second edition
Listening to children and young people in healthcare consultations
Listening to learn: audiobooks supporting literacy
Literary and Sociopolitical Writings of the Black Diaspora in the Nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Literary Research and the American Realism and Naturalism Period
Magic search: getting the best results from catalog and beyond
Make an Impact with Your Written English
Making Waste
Managing Virtual Teams
Marketing today’s academic library: a bold new approach to communicating with students
Media and memory
Melancholy, love, and time: boundaries of the self in ancient literature
Mentoring in the library: building for the future
Molecular Cluster Magnets (World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 3)
Moving materials: physical delivery in libraries
Moving your library: getting the collection from here to there.
Multicultural psychoeducational assessment
National language planning & language shifts in Malaysian minority communities: Speaking in many tongues
Negotiation skills training (ASTD trainer’s workshop series)
News as culture: journalistic practices and the remaking of Indian leadership traditions
Nice teams finish last: the secret to unleashing your team’s maximum potential
Number Theory and Applications
Objectively Speaking
Online Public Relations. 2nd ed
Patronizing the Arts
Persecution, plague, and fire: fugitive histories of the stage in early modern England
Philosophy of Language
Photographing pattern & design in nature
Photography and Literature
Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns
Planning, Design, and Construction of Health Care Facilities. Second edition
Play as Engagement and Communication
Political Theory, Science Fiction, and Utopian Literature
Population biology and criticality: from critical birth-death processes to self-organized criticality in mutation pathogen systems
Postmodern belief: American literature and religion since 1960
Pre-and post-retirement tips for librarians
Preparing the Perfect CV
Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited: China, Japan, and the United States
Psychosocial aspects of disability: insider perspectives and counseling strategies
Public Relations and the Social Web
Public Relations Strategy
Public School Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management Plan
Punctuation at work: simple principles for achieving clarity and good style
Reid’s read-alouds 2: modern day classics from C.S. Lewis to Lemony Snicket
Revisiting Dewey: best practices for educating the whole child today
Salome’s modernity: Oscar Wilde and the aesthetics of transgression
Solving the Schr๖dinger Equation: Has Everything Been Tried?
Sounds good on paper: how to bring business language to life
Sports journalism
Statistical and Evolutionary Analysis of Biological Networks
Storytime magic: 400 fingerplays, flannel boards, and other activities
Storytimes with puppets and props
Strategic Management of Higher Education Institutions : Serving Students as Customers for Institutional Growth
Students with Disabilities Can Meet Accountability Standards
Successful Interview Skills
Successful online meetings
Succession planning in the library: developing leaders, managing change.
Tales for coaching: using stories and metaphors with individuals and small groups
Teaching History with Big Ideas
Teaching Middle School Language Arts
Textbook of Anxiety Disorders, Second Edition
The A to Z of African American Theater
The A to Z of Fantasy Literature
The A to Z of journalism
The A to Z of Renaissance Art
The A to Z of the Broadway Musical
The AMA Handbook of Business Writing
The AMA handbook of leadership
The AMA handbook of public relations
The Art and Politics of Academic Governance
The challenge of library management: leading with emotional engagement
The Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials, Volume II
The Communication Problem Solver
The counseling practicum and internship manual: a resource for graduate counseling students
The elements of power: lessons on leadership and influence
The ethnographic self as resource: writing memory and experience into ethnography
The Experiential Learning Toolkit
The great brain race: how global universities are reshaping the world
The image of success: make a great impression and land the job you want
The laws of charisma: how to captivate, inspire, and influence for maximum success
The librarian as information consultant: transforming reference for the information age
The library PR handbook: high impact communications
The poetics of repetition in English and Chinese lyric poetry
The readers’advisory handbook
The Social Studies Helper
The translation zone: a new comparative literature
The trouble & strife reader
The truth about girls and boys: challenging toxic stereotypes about our children
The value of evaluation: making training evaluations more effective
The verbal reasoning test workbook: unbeatable practice for verbal ability, English usage and interpretation and judgement tests
This is Only a Test: Teaching for Mathematical Understanding in an Age of Standardized Testing, Grades 2-5
Travels in the History of Architecture
Tune up to literacy: original songs and activities for kids
Uncreative writing: managing language in the digital age
Urban teens in the library: research and practice.
Victorian culture and classical antiquity: art, opera, fiction, and the proclamation of modernity
Virtual references best practices.
Web Copy That Sells
Web-based instruction: a guide for libraries.
World Famous: How to Give Your Business a Kick-Ass Brand Identity
Young adult literature: from romance to realism