Library Updates Archive

Job Opening: Librarian I

Job openings at the UPD Libraries for August 2023! We are looking for a Librarian I at the University Library (2 slots) and at the Virata School of Business. Deadline of application is on 24 August 2023. Please visit this link for details and application requirements.

New Books at the Information Services and Instruction Section, June 2023

My Library at LibraryThing Guinness world records 2021 Guinness world records 2023 The new Philippines comprehensive : dictionary & thesaurus : with Philippines 12 languages World mythology : a comprehensive approach LibraryThing catalog for new books in ISaIS for June 2023 -

Kapihan with ALA President-elect Emily Drabinski

Unionism, through the decades, has been crucial in protecting and establishing the rights of workers across all industries. Such labor action was brought by dismissive and abusive employers that only had the sole intention to capitalize on their workforce, disregarding their discomforts and appeal for a better and pleasant workplace. Countless laws, statutes and court … Continue reading Kapihan with ALA President-elect Emily Drabinski

Job Opening: College Librarian III, College Librarian I, Librarian I

Job openings at the UPD Libraries for July 2023! We are looking for a College Librarian III, a College Librarian I, and a Librarian I -- all at the University Library. Please visit this link for details and application requirements. Deadline of application is on Monday, 17 July for the CL-III position and Tuesday, … Continue reading Job Opening: College Librarian III, College Librarian I, Librarian I

LEAD beyond boundaries, in Phase II of connecting communities, empowering knowledge

Libraries have long been the crucial institutions that provide information and resources, and a space for learning for the people in the community. As an institution that has consistently been at the forefront of this progress, libraries evolve as well as the community does. The library serves as the center for education which promotes literacy, … Continue reading LEAD beyond boundaries, in Phase II of connecting communities, empowering knowledge