Request for Resource on Demand

As of 1st Semester AY 2023-2024, ROD services are exclusive to UP clients. Non-UP clients may browse library materials via on-site viewing only, subject to our visitor access policy.

RESOURCE ON DEMAND (ROD) is a document delivery service for UP library users. The ROD service processes articles and book chapter requests from the journals, books, e-resources and other materials available only in UP Diliman Libraries. These documents are scanned and can be picked up in person or sent electronically via email.

Requests may be sent to the Information Services and Instruction Section (ISaIS) through email at, or to the email address of the College/Unit Library as listed in our directory.

Prepare the specific information regarding the material being requested. This includes the title of the article/chapter, the journal/book where it appeared, place and date of publication, page numbers to be requested, and other pertinent details. The Reference Librarian will search TUKLAS discovery service, find the article or book chapter and deliver it via email or courier.

Matrix of ROD services offered to UP students, faculty, and staff:

Material / Type requestedFeesTransaction limitTurnaround time
Whole ebook from subscribed e-resourcesFree1 book per day per userNext working day
E-copy of an article from a periodical or journal in the physical collectionFree5 articles per day per user5 working days
E-copy of selected pages or chapters from a book in the physical collectionFreeOnly 1 active request per user
Preliminary pages (e.g. title page, TOC) provided for free
For copyrighted materials, no more than 10% of the total pages per book (excl. prelim. pp.) per user
5 working days
E-copy of an article in a microfilm in the Multimedia collectionFirst 10 pages free
For succeeding pages, PhP 4.00 per page
5 articles per day per user10 working days

For requests of articles from subscribed e-resources, currently enrolled UPD students and faculty can view and download them via OpenAthens remote access.

For requests of full texts of public domain and out-of-print books, please inquire via email at

This transaction will only provide you a soft copy of the document which we can send as a link to your email. This link will expire at the end of term.

For hard copy, a separate charge for Printing applies. (ref: Fees and Fines, Print-outs and Microfilm Conversion).

Note: Before you make any payments, a proforma invoice will be sent to you for the assessment of service fee.  Moreover, your payment options are as follows:

  1. Cash payment at the University Library
  2. Payment thru Landbank Linkbiz – Select OTHER FEES as transaction type and choose your preferred option payment
    Please take note that no official receipts will be issued for LinkBiz payment. The confirmation receipt will serve as proof of your payment.
  3. For international payments: Wire transfer. The remittance should be the total amount to be paid, less the charges. The UP Diliman account is in Philippine peso.
    • Beneficiary’s bank code or SWIFT code – TLBPPHMM
    • Beneficiary’s address – UPD Cash Office, PNB Bldg., G. Apacible St. corner P. Valenzuela St., UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Please send the scanned copy or photo of the validated deposit slip/ Confirmation Receipt to and CC: