Through the years, academic libraries and information centers have constantly been acquiring both print and non-print resources to enrich their collection. That being said, there is a need to develop a proper library instruction program to serve as a guide in maximizing the use of available resources. Understanding and discovering the wide array of resources in an academic library can be a daunting task, especially for new students. Even though a student may be able to identify resources that are beneficial for their academic needs, building confidence in using these library resources is a skill that may only be developed through time.

To address this concern, the Information Services and Instruction Section (ISAIS) organized a webinar series entitled UPSkill Tuesdays and Thursdays. The objective of the webinar series is to discuss the library’s services and resources and shed light on some of the most frequently asked questions regarding their features and functions. Each episode focused on two to three resources and discussed how students can make the most out of each one. Upskill was hosted by our reference librarians every Tuesday and Thursday morning from September 28 to November 18. Some online resources that were discussed were Philippine eJournals, ScienceDirect, Labster, and EndNote Online to name a few.

As most of the online resources are available across the UP System, students from other UP campuses also attended UPSkill to gain knowledge and ask questions concerning each resource. Since majority of UP campuses have access to these resources, navigating these resources has also become convenient through the single sign-on function provided by OpenAthens. Conducting information literacy initiatives in any academic library is essential as it can empower students to take advantage of their library’s resources and engage in meaningful research and fruitful conversations. In the long run, continuous library instruction would not only produce a well-informed studentry but most importantly, passionate life-long learners of society.