For the second year, the University of the Philippines System acquired a diverse range of online resources through the support of the UP administration. These resources continue to play an integral part in achieving the academic goals of the UP System amidst the continuing Covid-19 pandemic. To fully utilize these resources, members of the academic community must evaluate and familiarize themselves with these online resources. In addition, additional acquisitions and ongoing subscriptions should also be adequately presented to gauge the reach and usefulness of each online resource/database.
The objectives of the event are as follows:
- To provide publishers/providers a venue to present their respective online resources/databases’ performance from January 2022 to June 2022;
- To gauge the impact of these resources/databases on the research output of the University by illustrating how well they have been utilized in the past year, and;
- To help the library and the administration decide whether to continue subscribing to these resources/databases for the new academic year.
To watch, register here using your UP Mail – https://up-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkf-uvrTspGtc_qEkmdfhVoIIF4QMN5wog