Online Subscriptions

Below is a list of electronic journals and online databases currently subscribed to by the University. Access to these electronic resources is via IP Address authentication and is therefore limited to users accessing from within any of the University’s Constituent units using computers connected to its network.

  • Off-campus/remote access now available for electronic databases via OpenAthens
  • OpenAthens is a web service which provides remote access using your UP Mail ( account. For more details, please visit Remote Access.

Table of Contents

EBSCO Discovery Service

A unified index of subscriptions to EBSCO and other online subscription databases. Begin your search here if you still don’t have a specific database to search.

Newspaper and Reference Sources

New York TimesDomain access.
Go to and register using UP Mail.
PressReaderOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
StatistaOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).

Filipiniana Multi-Disciplinary

CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art Digital EditionOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Philippine E-JournalsOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
UP Diliman Journals OnlineSelective open access.

International Multi-Disciplinary

Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO)On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Cambridge CoreOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Chicago Manual of Style OnlineOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Emerald InsightOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Gale Academic OneFileOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
* Arts and Sciences Collection I-XI
* Business I-IV
On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
MendeleyOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT)
On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Reader’s Guide to Periodical LiteratureOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Listed under EBSCOhost Research Databases.
SAGE Publishing
* Premier Journals
* Research Methods
* SAGE Knowledge
SAGE Journals: On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus)
SRM and SK: On campus within UP Diliman only
* Cell Press
* Lancet Journals
On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
SciValOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
ScopusOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Taylor & Francis Online
* Science and Technology Library
* Social Sciences & Humanities Collection
On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
TurnitinOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Web of Science
* InCites
* Journal Citation Reports
* Essential Science Indicators
* EndNote
On campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
Wiley Online LibraryOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).

Arts and Humanities

Human Kinetics LibraryOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
Literary Reference Center PlusOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
MLA International Bibliography with Full TextOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
National Theatre CollectionOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
Project MUSEOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).
SPORTDiscus with Full TextAccess limited to CHK Library.
Strength Training App by Muscle and MotionAccess limited to CHK Library.

Management and Economics

Euromonitor PassportOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus)
School of Economics Databases
– 2023 E-Periodical Subscriptions
– Datasets
– Economic Policy
– Econometrica
– The Economic Journal
– Cambridge Journal of Economics
– Journal of Asian Economics
– Quarterly Journal of Economics
– Review of Economics and Statistics
On campus within UP Diliman only.
With remote access: ask the college librarian of UPSE
Thomson Reuters Eikon for Academe with Datastream OfficeAccess limited to VSB and UPSE libraries.

Science and Technology

American Chemical Society (ACS) PublicationsOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
American Physical Society (APS) Journals OnlineOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
College of Home Economics Databases
– Bloomsbury Food Library
– FairChild Books Interior Design Library
– Bloomsbury Fashion Central: Fairchild Books Library (BFL)
– Food Science Source
– Child Development & Adolescent Studies
– Hospitality & Tourism Complete
– Textile Technology Complete
Access provided by the College of Home Economics Library.
College of Engineering DatabasesAccess provided by the College of Engineering Library.
Fibonacci QuarterlyOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
Journal of Visualized ExperimentsOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus), or register an account using UP Mail (
IEEE XploreOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus)
Locus: SIAM’s Online Journal ArchiveOn campus within UP Diliman only.
MRS BulletinOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
NatureOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
Science MagazineOn campus within UP Diliman and remote (off-campus).
Springer Nature Contemporary eJournalsOn campus within UP System and remote (off-campus).


For electronic journals subscribed by the College of Engineering Library, please visit the EnggLib website.

Social Sciences and Law

Bloomsbury Education and Childhood StudiesOn campus within UP Diliman only.
With remote access: Ask the college librarian of the College of Education.
CDAsiaOnlineAccess limited to the College of Law Library.
College of Education Databases
EBSCO Education Source
– Green File
– Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts
– MAS Ultra – School Edition
– Primary Search
– Teacher Reference Center
On campus within UP Diliman only and remote (off-campus).
With remote access: Ask the college librarian of the College of Education.
CSSP Library New MagazinesSingle-user access. To access full-texts of the articles, send your requests to
eBooks Education Subscription Collection (EBSCO)On campus within UP Diliman only.
With remote access: Ask the college librarian of the College of Education.
Hein OnlineOn campus within UP Diliman only.
Remote access available for UP Law students and faculty members.
LexisNexisAccess limited to the College of Law Library.
Remote access available for UP Law students and faculty members.
Oxford BibliographiesOn campus within UP Diliman only and remote (off-campus).
Philippine Law JournalOn campus within UP Diliman only. Hosted at Hein Online.
Remote access available for UP Law students and faculty members.
Philippine Political Science JournalOn campus within UP Diliman only and remote (off-campus).
Population Studies : A Journal of DemographyOn campus within UP Diliman only and remote (off-campus). Hosted at Taylor and Francis Online.
PsycARTICLESAccess limited to UP Department of Psychology only. Remote access available at the CSSP Library.
Washington PostSingle-user access. To access full-texts of the articles, send your requests to
Westlaw AsiaAccess via the College of Law Library website.
Remote access available for UP Law students and faculty members.
Westlaw ClassicAccess via the College of Law Library website.
Remote access available for UP Law students and faculty members.
World Political Science ReviewOn campus within UP Diliman only.


For EBSCO eBooks and other eBook databases, please visit our eBook collection page.

Electronic databases are sorted as Filipiniana/multi-disciplinary, and then by academic cluster. For more information, please refer to Academic Clusters page in UP Diliman website.

Updated 15 August 2024